... Check my beer math y'all. I want to hit the X with Space-X, and was wondering if I hitched a ride into orbit with my Ruger 220 Swift and aimed dead middle of the horizon, how soon I'd need to duck. I'm guessing to be safe, I'd need to end my space walk before that Sierra comes around the bend in 8 hours. Enjoy your Labor Day and thanks for bumping me past the 30,000th follower sometime after midnight last night. ML
488 likes18zepplin Lol
rayjd1650 You'd need to be about 200,000 miles high for the bullet to be able to complete an orbit at that speed.
  -  laruetactical @rayjd1650 ... That's the kind of feedback I need. "Higher you motherf***ers !! Take us higher !!!"
  -  rayjd1650 @laruetactical I'm not sure the exact orbit, but I know the Moon orbits the Earth at about 1km/s which is like 2237 mph so you'd need to be inside the Moon's orbit which is about 240,000 mi
  -  laruetactical @rayjd1650 ... How high was John Glenn ?
  -  rayjd1650 @laruetactical about 100 miles. To orbit at that altitude you need to be moving at about 17,500 mph
  -  laruetactical @rayjd1650 ... So you're saying I'd need to hold higher ? 🎯 2 likes
treylillich Cool!
oncefiredphoenix If you can get that up to 17,000mph you can put that bullet directly over your head at about 22,300 miles up and it will stay there forever.
frederickcarpenter Math makes me angry. 2 likes
morbidbattlecry I got 8.8 hours. But i assumed an orbital height of 62 miles.
davidsarahh Is this how the expression, "hold my beer and watch this" originated? 1 like
mr.mercury24 Me and my girlfriend have always dreamed of taking a .50 bmg and trying to de-orbit some satellites with it but I'm not sure that's legal or possible.
  -  madunn83 @mr.mercury24 it's both illegal and impossible. 1 like
countryboyhoba that is super cool!
sarcasmk1ng Assume you were already in stable circular orbit around the equator, you shot tangentialy from your current orbit, calculate the new semi major axis of periapsis with velocity of v0+Swift, calculate the new period of the bullets orbit. Your orbital period modulo the bullets orbital period, and the answer is ~87.878787878787 (repeating of course) days.
robertshelton5 We live on a Biblical firmament so your bullet would just drop and not return
lkcrome Man, lotta world class knowledge on this thread... wish I'd have payed more attention on class material instead of female anatomies and alcoholic beverages, but then again