Our 7.62 bolts look good all lined up - ML
4,405 views; 571 likesedwardcbyers Verified Quality! 2 likes
  -  busted_can_ofbiscuits @laruetactical you can't get a better endorsement that a moh endorsement @frogmanmohvi 2 likes
whyintheworldamidoingthis Please make an ambi lower 308
divingdriver What a beautiful sight
tlamont.74 Are those new tactical vapes?? 😂
whyintheworldamidoingthis Please make an ambi lower 308
chlv0ter Bolts of FREEDOM 💪🏽💪🏽us us
connelldad One of those surely is for my big bore UU kit... 🤞🏻 1 like
bcarley204 ML can we get C.A.N. mounts same COLORS as you offer in the UU kits? 1 like
jollygreen182 Wish I could get one with the larger ejector. My .260 rem is getting bad case swipe. 2 likes
wyatt.carson Are large frame predatobrs really back ordered or are they available right now?
mikenotgonnagetit If Larue could make a 5.56 and a 7.62 "sr25/dpms whatever" bolt with two electors and say a lobster tail style extractor....holy god I'd be in for 10
  -  laruetactical @mikenotgonnagetit ... Our 7.62 SR/AR/10/whateverish bolt is unbeatable, period. It's why my MRGG-S ate through that new .mil 6.5CM ammo at Camp Atterbury like it was homemade ice cream. ML 15 likes
  -  mikenotgonnagetit @laruetactical oh not arguing there at all sir. Just going from what ive seen and messed with in the AR15 world with things like the LMT bolts lobster extractor and the different dual ejector setups from different makers. I just wonder if the "benefits" would transfer from the '15 over to the '10 platform sir.
duckhnt These bolts are definitely in anticipation of the order overload when ML announces UU M-Lok! 👍 1 like
icecoldmn Nut busting gorgeous,please let the 5.56 bcg's be this months buildAR OFFERING 1 like
schubert189 But when can we get complete larue BCG's? Ar15 and Ar10/SR25? 2 likes