... I have a friend vacationing in Italy. She sent me this pic. Here's her report from Italy - "Everyone travels on scooters. And tiny electric cars. I am amazed how self-sufficient they are. Everything they sell is made in Italy and there is no fast food, etc. And everyone is very slender and fit. If a see an overweight person or family, they are speaking American English when I walk by them." Hmmm, I think I will push breakfast back to brunch 😎 ML
958 likeskodiak_precision Enjoy your vacation my friend!!
  -  laruetactical @kodiak_precision ... Me ? I'm sweltering 🔥 down here in Texas, fighting the backorder log into submission. 13 likes
  -  kodiak_precision @laruetactical You definitely need a vacation then. Hunting season is around the corner. Make time for that. Meanwhile back to those precision rifles. 1 like
korobob They learn...some time ago a lot of "Italian products" are made in china, but the Italians rejected those, and again produced in Italy....a lesson for USA🔥 5 likes
nigelbrown597 Wonder why Italy has been bankrupt for 70 years? Maybe it's because it's run by communists. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @nigelbrown597 ... America is bankrupt too ... we just hide it under "U.S. Debt" 14 likes
  -  alex_trlz @nigelbrown597 truth my friend 😢 1 like
  -  laruetactical @nigelbrown597 ... 70 year ago is the end of World War II. Perhaps we bombed Italian factories to smithereens🤷 Perazzi seemed to have come through okay. "PULL !!" 3 likes
aimless223 I was in the alps and an older Italian guy in dress leather shoes with a couple of water bottles in a plastic bag chugged past me on a mountain trail. I thought "that guy is in pretty good shape" then he stopped for a smoke lol 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @aimless223 ... I'm still laughing at the smoking hiking beast 😂
thatthinbluelinetho Did a semester in Italy in college (2weeks in Rome + 2 months in Florence). I def came back healthier than when I left. Between the walking everywhere plus the lack of overly processed crap... def a fan 2 likes
kevin.young.77582 Truth.Americans have a very poor diet.Eventually all that fast food stuff catches up to you. 1 like
garrettcwo Yep. Been all over Europe including Italy a couple times. Saw the same thing. Most products are made in country & very little or no fast food. No families were mom & dad are 320+ lbs with 8 year old kids that are already 150 lbs. 1 like
richphillips541 My adventures to Italy inspired me to buy an Italian Vespa scooter back here in the US. I've owned 2 of them now. The one I now have I've driven from Austin to Cancun Mexico and back twice. An amazing piece of equipment that has helped provide me with unforgettable memories and stories. Your friends observations are spot on. 1 like
nigelbrown597 Very true but at least we're not run by communists....oh wait....... 1 like
el.gallo.negro1 They also don't go to the great lengths the US does to make sure fat people believe being obese is acceptable. 3 likes
alex_trlz Actually we're not that fit
alex_trlz But just becuase we like to do thing slowly and to eat A LOT 😂😂😂😂 1 like
rxnemo proper meal lengths! 1 like
timewhitaker McDonalds in Italy is 🔥. They sell chicken wings.
billsnearly Sounds good. Except the electric car crap. Keep your disposable electric appliances. I'll keep my petrol burner! ⛽
isaaclgilmore The prices of your quad rail almost trippled in the last month what happened? I was going to order one but now I'm reconsidering 1 like
  -  laruetactical @isaaclgilmore ... Well, now our bean counters have eyes on real numbers coming out of JobBoss (our new ERP software). We're moving into charging for what we do now, in every facet of the business. Accelerated inflation has prompted us to watch out for and take care of the business. A small profit coming from everything we make keeps the doors open and team gainfully employed. As it is with Capitalism, the market (you) will decide which products we make that you are willing to pay for "Affordable Overkill". Appreciate your business, but labor costs are going up, steel and aluminum prices have a JATO jammed in their ass, gun-maker insurance ain't a joke ... I could go on and on. ML 14 likes
  -  isaaclgilmore @laruetactical thanks for the info I try to support American businesses as much as I can just clught me off guard.
  -  mikefrieden @isaaclgilmore I've been eyeing one forever and now I'm really regretting not pulling the trigger. They used to be such an awesome deal. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mikefrieden ... They were $10 an inch for years ... and you needed time to think about it 🧐 6 likes
1rblank They bring the Chinese in to produce goods. So they are still able to use made in Italy 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @1rblank ... FWIW, Your avatar suggests you're a labor lawyer. 1 like
  -  codycrafted @laruetactical he's not wrong, and I'd assume he's a tradesman 3 likes