Progress report - ML
647 likesj_frank24_ I'll take serial number 6, 17 or 24. 😬
  -  josh.sedlock @j_frank24_ I'd be happy just getting a rifle. I've been waiting for years... 1 like
  -  j_frank24_ @josh.sedlock Me too.
christophermcarnes Do you accept organs as payment, or are we stuck on the payment options posted on the website? 2 likes
800mzero Soon..... 2 likes
esqphoto This project is like the best kept secret. I had a call into the shop on something else the other day and I got nothing out of the Larue customer service rep. Zilch-o.
thiswildadventure 😍😍😍
divingdriver Two weeks
cgsgroup Awesome. 1 like
trapshootb Dear Rifle God can I please preorder #50 as that is Special Number to Me 👍
akscott60 Beautiful
barnaclebiggs Please make serial number 69
joe.shelby88 Forgive my ignorance but what part is this?
  -  physh101srt @joe.shelby88 it's their new buffer tube extension for their new pistol brace. 3 likes
  -  def3va @joe.shelby88 LaRue bolt action rifle.
  -  joe.shelby88 @physh101srt LOL
  -  joe.shelby88 @def3va Thanks 1 like
rafaelisawesome I'm curious on the pricing and would it be sold as a barreled action or complete only🤞🏽 2 likes
skymerc I don't see the shipping label with my name on it.
physh101srt 🤔 I would like to see this in 300 norma. I might be asking to much but I like what I see so far 2 likes
coltondarbyy Sure would love one in one of the new Nosler calibers, specifically the 30 Nosler 😩
mark_133_navy ✅⚓👍
everett.haley 300prc please.
topshotdustin Verified 😍😍😍👊
stevenmcclay6921 🔥 That is hot! 🔥
ccarnel Waitin on that email!
wvmtnbikr In for preorder...Larue gift cards & CC in hand and ready to rock...make it happen...😎
patrick.a.johnson314 Ready
praestolor_ar 😍😍 👌
captnjack @laruetactical .300 BLKOUT Pistol?