My cousin's husband bagged a monster East Tennessee velvet buck that he's been shadowing for years - might be a Pope & Young record - cool cap - ML
301 likeskevinmichael_67 Did he use a Siete? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @gt500kevin .. Pope & Young = archery 1 like
  -  kevinmichael_67 @laruetactical Forgive my ignorance of hunting in TN
  -  laruetactical @gt500kevin ... Kevin, you'd make a great hunting buddy. :-) 2 likes
  -  kevinmichael_67 @laruetactical I'll look you up when I get a chance to get down to TX.
bulletsnbirdies Definitely a nice E TN buck. What county was he hunting in?
  -  laruetactical @bulletsnbirdies ... Loudon County 1 like
46wlf46 Beauty. Wish we could bag velvets with something other than a vehicle.
whatarewedo1ng Where's the pic of the rifle he used to take him?
  -  compton.bryan @_cars_be_broke_ Pope and Young is the archery record book. No rifle was used.
justinkreynolds 😍
autodermatology @seanwilliams7283