... Breakfast Dinner Keto - what's not to like 😎 I'm officially a Flour Hater, and I've been steadily dropping a half pound a day for 3-ish weeks 💪 ML
920 likescroakvan In before the Keto police light you up about the tomatoes. :) 1 like
  -  laruetactical @croakvan ... Tomatoes are my kryptonite 🤷
  -  croakvan @laruetactical You should be pretty well protected, kryptonite doesn't go through lead or S7 tool steel. No shortage of that in your AO. :)
craigc1911 Keto rocks. Down 15 lbs in 17 days here. 2 likes
nocornerman Proper levels of Salt & Pepper 👌 2 likes
levinsmithenhouzen Eggs and tomatoes are so damn good with each other. I eat a boiled egg and a handful of tomatoes most mornings. 1 like
cts304 Congratulations on weight loss 1 like
kevin_nagle63 Keto for 3 years, not for everyone but if you like meat and eggs it's easy to stick to. Lost 60# kept it off for 3 years and turned back the clock. Stick w/ it, you be glad you did. 1 like
nickdorgan looks really good ... 1 like
jfpvh Congratulations I'd have to do cucumbers or salted snow peas I don't do tomatoes…OK let me rephrase that I do not eat fresh tomatoes only when they have been processed into things etc. ☕☕us us 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jfpvh ... Love cucumbers and snow peas, and raw white onions with a salt shaker. 2 likes
  -  jfpvh @laruetactical Yes sir now you're talking I love spring onions straight out of the garden clean them a little salt. Plus onion and cheese are in their own food group🤣
  -  parallax_error1 @laruetactical pro tip - save the ends of scallions and small shoot onions and replant them after drying for a week or so. Never ending scallions. 2 likes
dtwaxdownzero I have been doing the exact same thing for about 4 weeks. Chicken and veggies everyday. Lost 10lbs since. Loving it. 🙌 1 like
parallax_error1 Stent warning.
  -  laruetactical @parallax_error1 ... Be gone with your "Negative Nellie" 2 likes
  -  parallax_error1 @laruetactical just saying I ate a protein rich diet. At 52, 5'9" 185 I had a 95% blocked right coronal artery requiring a pair of stents. We all process cholesterol differently. I'm sure you do, but go get the body scan yearly to check for blockages. Don't know if it catches soft plaque but it will catch hard plaque. Better to be lucky than good is etched on my Benchmade.
  -  jsmith_409 @parallax_error1 Keto is a fat rich diet, not a protein rich one. The protein percentages in Keto are pretty close to where your diet should be if you're cutting weight so they shouldn't effect your cholesterol from a protein standpoint. If you're cholesterol is high it's probably from more than just what you're eating.
All Keto really does is replaces carbs with fat. Most people claiming "Keto" are really more in a zone diet.
Everyone saying they are doing Keto with chicken and veggies are full of it because veggies are high carb and will take you out of ketosis pretty quick if you're not careful.
Keto is just tricking your metabolism into burning fat in a different way. Most people I've seen go keto end up gaining most of the weight back and usually faster once they break ketosis. Tricking your body in a non-sustainable way is a bad idea.
I think what mark is doing falls more in line with a macro or zone diet. It's just cool to be keto these days so everyone says they're keto🤷 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jsmith_409 ... The trouble with flour is it comes in Fried pies, biscuits & gravy, and french toast. 9 likes
  -  ewoogy @laruetactical biscuits and gravy 🤤
  -  icecoldmn @laruetactical although I need to loose 50 lb not sure I can give up the flour, fried pies and biscuits are just so dam delicious
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn .. Have someone drop you and 5 lbs of ground chuck onto a deserted island with instructions to return in 72 hours 1 like
  -  texan.right @parallax_error1 my cholesterol went from being statin high before keto to perfect after keto. It's an abomination I know. Kind of like the health folks don't really know for sure 1 like
  -  laruetactical @texan.right ... Interesting, thanks.
hellrieger I lost 65 lbs keto plus exercise in 4.5 months; brutal. Never again 1 like
davidjulier Great job! Keep up the hard work!
a_a_ron_castellanos As long as you know what works for you 🤷
ryan_thecarguy I tried going keto but I can't eat eggs and those are an essential in that diet for protein 🙁
breezyclipper 🔥🔥 Git Sum, Ironman 👍
w.nash428 Love fresh tomatoes like that with salt an pepper
ericlongtx Dillo dusted eggs & tomatoes. Yum
the_sultan_of_sausage We make elk dawgs with zero lips or assholes.
gh_arms The Navion(s) useful payload could be headed North.
nelsonstuff Post pics
bruceshibley I like my meat, eggs and sliced tomatoes myself. I did a strict meat only diet but missed some vegetables
yeah_trout_that Solid work!
mark_133_navy @laruetactical - Mark, this 60 something Navy Veteran overly nourished white male (a no shit VA report describe me as such!) has lost 26 LBS by using Noom since 8/15/2021. It truly is amazing program that has been working for me. 🙌 Shoot straight! CRS⚓💪 1 like
dick.dandruff God beless @heb 1 like