... Oil prices have JATOs strapped on and lit, and it's not the only thing. Here's a chat I had yesterday with a vendor -
My supplier ...
"Found it,
Our Medical Insurance renewal cost went up 44.3%."
Me -
"For your whole shop ?"
"Yes, BCBS"
969 likesiboxuup68 Humana for my employees went up 68% this year. We're switching to BCBS
  -  laruetactical @iboxuup68 ... 68% 😳😳😳
  -  iboxuup68 @laruetactical yep, I love how people are thinking that we won't increase prices when all these costs & tax increases are hitting. We make boxes, and everyone needs that... 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @iboxuup68 ... There has to be a somewhat decent profit just to break even - because constantly aging equipment replacement costs. 1 like
csolstice032018 No dinner, no foreplay, no lube... 11 likes
rhodie333 Nice job DemocRATS 6 likes
armor_tree Government doing their job creating kaos . Government never brings anything to the table except Bill's for the AMERICAN tax paying citizens and life taking decisions for AMERICAN SOLDIERS 13 OF THEM! 25TH AMENDMENT FOR 46!! 4 likes
nowaytoretire Things will probably just get worse. On another note we should all support LT. COL. SCHELLER. 8 likes
james_h74 Me: Finally buys my first truck Gas prices: 📈 1 like
bordeth Ole Sleepy Joe and his constituents doing exactly the opposite of what they preach. Insurance for all by robbing the rich (relative term for some small business owners) to feed the poor (all those malcontents taking govt handouts). Sending our oil production offshore has horrible trickle down effects to our economy and Sleepy Joe knows this. 1 like
cactusandcolt That's cool if you're an oil company... wait...I thought Democrats hated those guys... it's almost like it's all a lie 🤔 1 like
billsnearly We were energy independent prior to the election. Sad state of affairs.
snook.48 Wow
gospencer1 My oil ETF is 📈🔥!
michaelzarmory 🤬🤬🤬
getupusa 😢
debozer Good thing SnowyJoe has got our backs!! 🤬
mlj_0531 Build back better!!
240gr And this will be remembered as the Good old days
fenrircustomsaz Manufactured supply chain issues to further the Fed's tyrannical agenda
1striker4life Part of how to destroy the us economy along making a fake health care bs forced to stuck or lose your job even though you made a yr plus without any issue. Oh and if you get stuck you still and get the 19 Part 11 of 12 on how to destroy usa
hobosalt Thanks JB (Shitbird).
mandradetx We have BCBS and they have done the same thing to our company the past two years in a row. Cost goes up and coverage goes down across the board. Complete BS.
angusmcdung FJB - Robinette is the enemy of the USA us 1 like
andymenzl Thank you president fk tard.
coffeedev Fuck... BOHICA!
midwest_jeepguy Holy💩
beausoefje @laruetactical Have you seen the new traveling commuting tax they're proposing? Everyone will pay 8 cents per mile driven every year in taxes 2 likes
  -  aschoe3114 @beausoefje That's how they justified that 4 trillion in infrastructure bill. But we already pay taxes on gas, cars, and everything in between. 🤷 1 like
  -  beausoefje @aschoe3114 sure let's just tax the shit out of what's left of the "middle class" until there is none left. I drive an hour to and from work, I obey the law, so everything right and now I'm going to get fucked because I choose not to live in a city?!? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @aschoe3114 ... Buying votes ain't cheap. Reparations and all that ... 3 likes
  -  beausoefje @laruetactical damn 😂👏.... yeah fugh that pesky middle class
  -  laruetactical @beausoefje ... Seems like I'm throwing a five in the plate knowing the top 1% are paying 90% of the taxes. When monopolies are allowed, they get together and allow mega profits, then divvy up the winnings. It's a win/win for both Uncle Sam and the monopoly owners 🤷 2 likes
  -  aschoe3114 @beausoefje I am in the same spot I drive about 150 miles a day 5 days a week so I can live in the country and have a yard bigger than .25 of an acre. Kids need room to run. I also don't particularly like having neighbors breathing down my neck and no HOA fees. 1 like
  -  beausoefje @aschoe3114 they're trying to force us all into cities, where we're easier to round up, control, and manipulate. They don't want anyone that's not wholly reliant upon the government tit for their survival
bland_jamesbland @mrktrn if people took as good a care of themselves as they do their dogs, might not be an issue. But Medicare doesn't help a thing when they set the prices. 3 likes