Not sure if I IG'd this. Five shot group removing, then reinstalling the TranQuilo can before each of all five shots. ML
528 likesgrant_e_phillips What barrel? 1 like
  -  gunsandsharpthings @grant_e_phillips It's the Siete barrel... 1 like
  -  grant_e_phillips @gunsandsharpthings lol I didn't even see that oops 1 like
wardjm1 Pretty sweet 1 like
nelson_shooting_concepts 🔥 Good work!
mckeonekert 🙌
skipjack86 Donde puedo conseguir una gorra 🧢 asi?? @laruetactical 1 like
concept_grey 👏
thiswildadventure Inquiring minds would like to know what the group size was with*out* removing and reinstalling TQ between shots. 1 like
kevinmichael_67 Impressivr 1 like
canemovium Gotta' ask: What will price be on the Siete? 1 like
jakethewichitakidd I need to buy another hat from y'all. The one I have is worn out, I shot a lot of targets and fixed a lot of heavy equipment wearing that thing!
2010greer Spectacular
mark_133_navy 2015?
  -  laruetactical @kodiaknavycg ... Yep, interrupted by the spectre of Hillary winning - ML 1 like