... KX-155 Aircraft Radio ... gentlemen, and ladies, I hate to use my IG page for something personal, but in this case I am. I need a couple of decent old school KX-155 12Volt radios and know some of y'all have yanked them out of your planes in your quests for glass cockpits. I need a couple of 'em. Go drag it out of your hangar and ship it to my shop with my name on it and a reasonable Christmas wish list. Thanks in advance for the legwork 🛫 ML
353 likesgovernorperry Verified Old school....what I like about you!!🤓 4 likes
txstvanwilder I might have one or two on the shelf at my shop. I'll take a gander when I go pick up some tools tomorrow 1 like
  -  laruetactical @txstvanwilder ... Standing by - ML
  -  txstvanwilder @laruetactical currently just have an old narco com here in the shop, I'll take a look and see what we have out of our Baron to see if we still have a 155 laying around in our personal hangar. 1 like
  -  txstvanwilder @laruetactical no joy. I have a bunch of random things, but not a 155. Check North Texas Aviators page on FB and NTA Marketplace, someone might have one close by to you. 1 like
  -  txstvanwilder @laruetactical check TexasAirSalvage dot com. They have quite a few on their website available. Or call up Tim and Lucky at Air Salvage of Dallas.
davidtripp0924 I've got a lead on one. It'll cost me about 1/2 of what a big block UU costs 1 like
  -  laruetactical @davidtripp0924 ... I got two halves of a Big Block that's still attached. 1 like
  -  davidtripp0924 @laruetactical I sent you a message
kameronallison Dm sent 1 like
  -  laruetactical @kameronallison ... ✅
adamjaero Sent a dm. I have a very nice one 1 like
  -  laruetactical @adamjaero ... ✅ 1 like
crppilot Dang, I remember those days. Think I saw a few in HRL, lemme see if I can find a few
Gulf Avionics/ Don Wiles. I bet he has dozens of them 1 like
whereissymm They have one in stock
  -  laruetactical @whereissymm ... ✅
c.s.mayberry Sir, that is clearly a Flux Capacitor.
axtsdream Interesting 🤔 I also like Aviation radios ! I usually sit in my Balcony listening to my local airport out here in San Bernardino! Lots of Amazon, UPS, FedEx and Fire department traffic! Good luck ! 🍀
  -  laruetactical @axtsdream ... I need 'em for some aging, but still awesome Navions 4 likes
mikenotgonnagetit Damn, I can make a Christmas list, send it to Mark and all I need is an old school radio in trade? Shit! I wish I knew a pilot! 1 like
davidewade Got an old Cessna radio that I replaced with a KX155 back in '91.
wtt_racing_engines I thought I had some that were yellow tagged but they weren't 155's
joewarner6336 You scared me!, for a second I thought one of my Bo guys was wanting one fixed.
jpyro69 🧡
jeffyoung357 Allo, Tower?
  -  laruetactical @jeffyoung357 ... 😂 1 like
dpayne290 I have a near perfect 155 with glideslope thats been to beven and ready to go. Trade for a nice optic or obr setup.
  -  laruetactical @dpayne290 ... Mark (at) LaRue (dot) com
  -  laruetactical @dpayne290 ... 12volt ?
  -  dpayne290 @laruetactical yes 1 like
  -  laruetactical @dpayne290 ... Sweet, thanks a bunch
whereissymm https://www.bennettavionics.com/kx-155-nav-comm-14-volts-with-glideslope/
andrew.meriwether @laruetactical... I'll see what I can do. 24v systems I'm assuming? I work for an aviation company that does avionics. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @andrew.meriwether ... No sir, it's 12V, damn, knew I left something out. 1 like
  -  andrew.meriwether @laruetactical no problem lol, I'll see what I can do. 1 like
  -  sukdriver @laruetactical also glide slope or no GS? Kings Avionics or Beven Rabel can probably repair your current KX155's.
  -  laruetactical @sukdriver ... No glide slope will work just fine. I have to climb up to pattern altitude every time I land at a blacktop airport. 1 like