... Hey guys, somebody sent me a link to Kyle's trigger video ... go find it and watch it 😎 ML
907 likesjason_r_ My go to is MBT for 2 state and Hiperfire for single stage. 2 likes
southpawgunstuff Love my MBT! 1 like
j_m_c_photography I do love my MBT2 SB triggers. I need more! 2 likes
brewntactics My mbt 2 stage is easily the best trigger. Hands down. 2 likes
raydrawsagain Love my MBT trigger. 😎 1 like
sandy_saint_nick_ Well well well...I do like my MBT👌🏻 2 likes
tylerkotulka Who is he referring to in this video? "Other trigger company" 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @tylerkotulka ... "G"ot no idea ... 16 likes
  -  duckhnt @laruetactical "G"ee. I wonder. Lol 4 likes
  -  yaheardme42 @tylerkotulka who cares??? Lol
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @yaheardme42 obviously @tylerkotulka cares. Just because you don't care doesn't mean he's not allowed to care.
  -  yaheardme42 @guns_jeeps_beer that's not how the internet works brother. 🙄
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @yaheardme42 really, do tell me how you think it works?
  -  yaheardme42 @guns_jeeps_beer lol oh no, internet tough guy. @aoc help me
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @yaheardme42 lol. THE POWER OF AOC COMPELS YOU! THE POWER OF AOC COMPELS YOU! 1 like
  -  yaheardme42 @guns_jeeps_beer lol 1 like
  -  tylerkotulka @yaheardme42 I honestly didn't expect a response from @laruetactical I know he's plenty busy with more important things, I just thought I'd ask. There are a bunch of trigger makers out there. I have a Geissele trigger, in fact I have one of their super duty rifles. Let me just say that rifle is absolutely incredible. I grew up in the next town over, so when I heard there was a really awesome gun maker where I grew up, I wanted to support that local business, and I have zero complaints with anything I have bought from them ever. With that said, I'm also a huge fan of @laruetactical I would love to buy a trigger and even a rifle from them. Back to my original post, it was really just curiosity. Wasn't trying to stir the pot, competition is a good thing. Enjoy your day.
william_andrew_edwards Will we ever see the MBT single stages again? 5 likes
mal1nis Large single stage triggers would be nice to have. I'll maybe order some two stage in as well so it doesn't get lonely in the package.
starcityshooter I put MBTs in my Geisselle upper rifles...just kidding, the only bendy things I like are my old lady's legs to her shoulders 😂
tacticalslings Well can't argue with Kyle's abilities with shooting quick but I like two stage triggers in all my AR platforms. I have used most if not all of them and I prefer LaRue triggers. Way too much bench racing when it comes to triggers. Lock time etc. get trigger reliable and consistent
arizona_twelve_sixtysix Trigger company purse fights? Count me in. (Puts brick in a Gucci)
michael_s.kline Somewhere in the back of my gun safe I have 2 of them "G" triggers in a zip lock bag, they came in my 2 P'tAR's. All my AR's now have the MBT triggers in them. May even put 1 in my B&T APC PRO. Best trigger ever!
reidaverill Triggertech's website says that trigger is 2 stage
aimless223 A.R.M.S.
slack1776 When will the single stage be back in stock? @laruetactical 1 like
mrrogers226 @laruetactical do you make (offer) a MBT2 like the SSF?