On Halloween 2013, I shot 12 rounds out of a LaRue 18" 7.62 ... 1 at each of 12 bullseyes. This is the target. Looks like I touched the bullseye 8 out of 12 shots. Fun. ML #larue #laruetactical #precisionrifles #gunsofinstagram
487 likesshadow2__ I absolutely love my PredatOBR. I don't know how you are making them to be that accurate out of the serial production, but keep doing what you doing! 5 likes
papapatriarchy Only 8 of 12? That's not worthy of the Larue name, you should just send that to me for disposal.
aaronfry Great shootin! 2 likes
ja_ber At what distance @laruetactical?
  -  laruetactical @ja_ber I have a 100 yard tunnel that we proof group through ... keeps wind and mirage out of the equation - ML 8 likes
josh.macintyre Nice shooting Mark! I need to get some trigger time. 1 like
topshotdustin Verified Dude did you see my 3 round 1 hole group last week from my PredatOBR? Insane! Love it! 2 likes
  -  topshotdustin Verified @topshotdustin actually it was the OBR. On Facebook. I'm messaging you the pic now 1 like
  -  laruetactical @topshotdustin Hey You !!! You're younger, with younger eyes !! 7 likes
longrangesurfer Love my 16" 7.62 tOBR!
mstilley14 Where is there a notable loss in accuracy between a suppressed 16" and 18" 7.62 OBR? Or is there enough to even tell? @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @mstilley14. Guys seem to shoot slightly better with cans and report a slight increase in velocity. I blame Isaac Newton. ML 1 like
  -  mstilley14 @laruetactical stay short and compact with the 16" or go with the 18" for a Police Sniper setup?
  -  laruetactical @mstilley14 Go with 18", no one looking back from a 1,000 yards is going to see 2 extra inches ;-) ML 1 like
patrick.a.johnson314 Mother of God!!!!