We're OCD about our LaRue barrels ... the second something shows up that doesn't cut the mustard, they go into the 'dead' crate. Our barrels have to check every box or they go in that box. ML "Only accurate rifles are interesting" - Col. Townsend Whelen #larue #laruetactical #precisionrifles #precisionbarrel #behindthescenes #gunsofinstagram
631 likeskameronallison Why did they die this time? 224v?
thiswildadventure Holy moly.
johnkilo35 What happens to them after? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @kilo35jw Thinking about using them to reinforce a new sidewalk we'll be pouring concrete for. ML 3 likes
  -  johnkilo35 @laruetactical well....thats one way to recycle. 1 like
josh.macintyre Curious what caliber?
codycrafted They become PSA "elite" barrels. LOL 18 likes
motocycleman12 When only the best will do. Great company and a great product. 4 likes
whatarewedo1ng What kind of time frame did it take to fill the crate? 2 likes
shqype_ That's awesome. Maybe sell them as a rebranded "blem?" 3 likes
  -  lomaxima4221 @shqype_ agreed. I could use a beater barrel or five
danielbeckman7282 I'm pretty sure Daniel Defense has first dibs on them. 2 likes
juschris2 @baker_bitch 👍😍😍😍 us 1 like
thebigred692000 Man those would make great test samples for the materials lab here. Sure be some different testing then the normal stuff we do.
tap_rack_bang Dudes....forge those mothers into knives. I once read about a SOAR pilot that had the barrels of a Dillon he used on mission, forged into demascus steel for a large fixed blade knife. Unfortunately it was stolen. 2 likes
  -  codycrafted @tap_rack_bang paging @alecsteele @halffaceblades @matthelmknives @forgedfromtexas and @stelter_edgeworks . @laruetactical this should be a thing
  -  tap_rack_bang @lowspeed.highdrag now were talkin! Too bad I could never afford the end product...
stonewooten From a passionate LaRue customer, could y'all consider releasing Game Guard short sleeve button up shirts with your logo on the front? Would look sweet in tan, olive, and black or even grey (all colors they have). Super popular shirt here in Texas. Would be even more bad ass with the LaRue logo on the front chest pocket. Just an idea! Usually that shirt retails for $50 in stores. I would pay $65-$70 to grab one from y'all. Cheers!
  -  laruetactical @stonewooten SW, thanks for the suggestion, I kicked it upstairs ;-) ML 6 likes
  -  z_towns @laruetactical i would buy a good amount as wel 1 like
  -  hhhharlow @stonewooten I've mentioned the idea when they eventually launch the Siete to make a shirt identical to the T Shirts they have now with the Siete logo on them. Also polos 2 likes
johnnybananas2525 How much does that crate weigh
  -  laruetactical @johnnybananas2525 Are you plotting a smash and grab ? :-) ML 4 likes
johnnybananas2525 Ha....
assaultlifedefense I have an original OBR actually traded a unique rifle to M. Larue for it... do you guys offer any machining for current handguards to cut a few ounces? @laruetactical the rifle has been a pig slayer for years! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @556tactical Don't hacksaw the handguard, get a PredatAR barrel for it. ML 7 likes
stonewooten @hhhharlow I agree on the polos, too. @laruetactical I know y'all aren't a "clothing company" but a tan polo to wear to the range or to the grocery store would be cool too. 😂 All I'm saying is I'd be repping it everyday! Y'all take care and God bless. 2 likes
gusgonzalez @tejasprecisionshooter
tlbailey1 Tomato stakes for the garden? 🧐 2 likes
cbeckman45 @danielbeckman7282
psk496 How are your .224 valk barrels performing? Have y'all done any testing with a faster twist rate like some of the other companies?
  -  laruetactical @psk496 224V ? I've been told by the highest authority that nothing outperforms LaRue 1-in-7" twist 224V barrels. So there's that ... ML 1 like