... A modern P.T. Barnum, doing nothing more than showing off her figure ... "Any press is good press" I laugh as this morning's news tries to analyze the dress 😎
611 likesmckeonekert She may have been only a bar tender but now she have health care for life. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mckeonekert LOL, ironically hilarious 😂 2 likes
foxtrot_uniform_charlie_kiloo Did you know she went to the art designer for Chick-fil-A to get that dress print? Also it should have said pervert the Constitution cuz that's what she's doing with her socialist self 1 like
  -  laruetactical @foxtrot_uniform_charlie_kiloo ... No I didn't ... see, P.T. Barnum 😎 1 like
the_airborne_fister $14k for a dress that says something that is already happening at a place where you must pay 30k a plate and wear a mask. But I'm above the rule. I get to say tax these people but not me. And screw the mask. 1 like
wayneeinarson My Chick-fil-A Sandwich wore it better. 1 like
briscoelcamino Still a bartender.
dtt0157 💩🤡💩🤡💩💀💩🤡🤡🤡💩
juice405 It's tragic
exjug 🤡🎪🤡🎪🤡🎪🤡🎪
tacticaltundra Can we replace the R with a B and at a T please 😂
night_rider_11b So what ever happened with misappropriation of a million dollars for her boyfriend???
  -  stevebartlett2 @night_rider_11b I wonder the same thing? Rules are not for them.
thelancemurray 🤡
tnwattana If her plan is to go to the party and a have nobody talks to her then I guess she accomplished it. 😂
free.outdoors Her dress should say "TIP YOUR GUIDES" 🎣🎣😂😂
kevin.young.77582 Clown show 🤡
southie_02127 Wilbur
macman_lifestyle The hypocrisy of liberalism at its finest👏
atticus.lamoreaux An empty dinner plate.
papadorsey199 Evil comes in all shapes and sizes 😈
zachary_stein At an event that cost no less than $30,000 to attended. 😂 1 like
  -  cargo_mclovin @zachary_stein even better, she was invited for free last time I checked, which should tell you how much of a "threat" she is to the elite establishment
mike_kattrainer_kojima Only a rich person could afford that dress.
one_urban_ninja I would do her......😃
bordeth Lipstick on a pig is still lipstick on a pig no matter how good they may look for the moment. 1 like
mike_pompe83 I like that a lot of news agencies and other peoples options say it looks like a Chick-fil-A bag and I agree
  -  tomwkearns @mike_pompe83 don't you dare disrespect the good name of Truett Cathy with such comparisons! 1 like
  -  mike_pompe83 @tomwkearns my bad
salientconnor Tantamount to "let them eat cake"
dirtmcgurt_606 What's hilarious is that dress probably cost three times the amount most of us make in 3 months. These ppl make me sick and should be deported somewhere horrible
yeah_trout_that Oh this is the one that changes her accent when talking to black people. Really classy. 1 like
usmcgunnz Lock down the border now!
tonysanchez8664 Stop frivolous spending first. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @tonysanchez8664 ... That would be 90 % if it. 2 likes
cw_odonnell Imagine being so tone deaf you wear a statement like that to an event like that 7 likes
  -  archaicsolution @cw_odonnell imagine being such a douchebag that you are hating on a women's fashion statement 😂 get a life bro
  -  cannedcorn1234 @traversingthedarkness its pretty tone deaf.
  -  chumbief @traversingthedarkness it says tax the rich. How is that a fashion statement, bro? 1 like
  -  archaicsolution @chumbief how is it anyone's business to judge what another person wears? Who cares? Your body your decision? Except when it comes to abortions right? Douchebaggery
nowaytoretire That dress needs more red on it 🙂 1 like
harrystetser Shave her her head and.put on those dopey big round glasses she wears and she looks like admiral tojo imperial Japanese navy. 1 like
pk_gunsmithing Thought it was clever to stencil "Tap the Bitch" on the back of her dress.
burlster24 Is horse face getting married? 2 likes
  -  stevenfulton89 @burlster24 she a little long in the tooth.
  -  shovald @burlster24 dressed her up for an apple & alfalfa
cannedcorn1234 Looking like a chick filet bag. 1 like
djqx Just imagine, idiots keep re-electing these morons.
billsnearly She is dumber than a bag of hammers. Moronicus maximus.
kevinmichael_67 Fools analyzing an idiot at a party full of fools. 1 like
oncefiredphoenix I'd two pump chump her and kick her out before she had time to talk. 3 likes
  -  marcknapp @oncefiredphoenix classy.
mike_carroll93 She's a c un t 1 like
marcknapp And what a figure! Sadly, "clinically insane hourglass Latina" is my kryptonite and I could definitely kick her boyfriend's ass. 😂😂😂 1 like
  -  grizwold8541 @marcknapp it's called Latina fixation disorder. I was diagnosed at age 19. It's a life long fight. I am doing well.