... Oh sh*t, oh damn ☕ If it ain't one thing, it's another. Forget gas prices, have you tried buying a 40 ft. Conex box (container) lately ? 😳
520 likesthe_simple_cook12 So are we just adding the word crisis to everything now
  -  laruetactical @the_simple_cook12 ... Well, "gas prices" does rhyme with "crisis" 🤷
tundrapilot001 Too many millennials building freaking tiny homes out of the damn things 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tundrapilot001 ... Is that true ?
  -  tundrapilot001 @laruetactical lots of them being built Mark 1 like
redneckrampage_nw We build our scrap bins out of the 20'ers, just went to buy 30 of them and they were $4500ea, last batch was $1500ea. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @redneckrampage_nw ... 😳😳😳 1 like
michaelcatterlin I tried buying a stealth upper but they were out of stock and I couldn't even back order one so I bought a geisslie urgi upper instead 😞 1 like
  -  laruetactical @michaelcatterlin ... Damn, buy and shoot junk ammo and you won't miss the accuracy 🤷 5 likes
  -  michaelcatterlin @laruetactical I still want a stealth upper though 😢
avalonriflewerx What ya buying from China? Barrel steel? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @avalonriflewerx ... How in the San Hill did you come up with today's stupid AF internet question ? 25 likes
  -  hktflyer @avalonriflewerx why you hating cause you can't afford a @laruetactical rifle!
  -  avalonriflewerx @laruetactical I wanted today's stupid AF award 😎 1 like
  -  avalonriflewerx @hktflyer yep, just too poor.👍
squ1rp Our shipping cost for containers has doubled in the span of a month 1 like
hot_metalworks Yeah just bought a 20' last week out of Brenham, and it was $4600
icecoldmn Yep it is crazy, my neighbor just bought two crappy ones and paid 4200 ea not even water tight. My 40' one trip was 4200 delivered and was like new and had doors on both ends..but there is no inflation 😢
stretch415 $19,600 paid for a 40' high cube 5 door 1 ship. It's a nice setup but definitely at a premium
spentbrasscasing Pretty soon we'll be like the 70's Soviet Union where we can't get shit anymore. If it ain't coffee it's laptops or pickup trucks. FFS.
whiskey.savage Yes. I have. Used to pay $2000 per conex. Now, 30,000. Fml 1 like
moses_135 They screw you at the drive thru! They know you'll be 2 miles down the road before you realize you got screwed! All jokes aside, this seems to continue to spiral out of control. As though a single person has decided to push the stick forward and nose over the plane straight into the ground.
kevin.young.77582 Thought I heard smaller ones are going for like 10 to 14k.Guess small one is a 20 footer??
41gunner Currently 56 container ships on west coast awaiting to enter port and be unloaded.
13paypay13 I believe a startup company in Dallas is turning them into basically apartments for the homeless. I know that's not the reason for the price hike but I'd be interested to know what the cause 🤔
j.bucki Used to be $3500 now they are $20k+ 1 like
jgarrard1978 They have doubled in price, a water and wind tight 40ft high cube is $4200, they use to be $1800
foundersphotography_idaho Coffee shortage will surely set off the civil war
medic.wv Was shopping for them and the 20' two weeks ago. Used one in VA at the docs hadn't changed yet. Did they bump up?
tubefitter61 15 k per TEU. 24 month lead time from China to LA. we had been quoted. I thinks probably more now.
  -  j.bucki @tubefitter61 20k per from China to Ann arbor Mi
ewoogy I was quoted $7500 for a 20ft one in Colorado
mrbigs63 Dear God buying a Conex is insane right now. Went from $2000 a year and a half ago to $5000 now.
  -  whiskey.savage @mrbigs63 from China?!!! Tell me where you're getting 5k. I'll move over a million in business tomorrow. I'm paying $30k a box
almost_a_spaceforce_doctor Sounds like a bs reason
funky_cold_m3dina Why build your home like a boomer. Out of toothpicks and cardboard. 🤔 1 like
  -  laruetactical @funky_cold_m3dina ... Us Boomers gotta do something with all those pine trees we had you millennials plant for us 😎 4 likes
pawpawlammy Just have the illegals carry a bag each. Let's get something out of the caravans. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @pawpawlammy ... Coffee's great, but TEQUILA !! 3 likes
  -  perez2021juan @laruetactical Saluuuut!
4bore The odd part is if I understand ! Is containers are building built and shipped here and not shipping back . The shortage is there the docks here are stacking empty's . At one Point the market will be flooded ... I believe .... I have a shipping container obsession... I have build a few shops with them!
  -  coreypeterson59 @4bore I'm a vessel planner on the west coast. I can tell you we have been running a severe empty shortage for months now. We are sending ship only carrying empties overseas because they can't get enough in China. The only thing we are stacking and can't get out of our terminals right now are import containers.. 1 like
  -  novostagram @4bore this is inaccurate. Delays unloading ships and loading/unloading delays at MFG's, mostly due to labor shortage is driving the supply chain issues, not a bunch of empty boxes sitting on the dock.
  -  4bore @coreypeterson59 interesting I drove thu Long Beach the other day . And the shit is stack high ! Maybe nows a good time to sell a few of my 40 Footers 1 like
  -  4bore @novostagram delays here ? Stateside so the delays here are preventing the ships going back full of containers ...
  -  coreypeterson59 @4bore yeah I plan for PCT and Pier A in Long Beach all of the ridiculous stacks of containers are like 85-90% import containers. We have a couple thousand containers right now that will all load to one ship this weekend and head back to China. It's the same at the 3 terminals in Seattle and OICT in Oakland that I plan for.... Plus we have labor shortages from the Unions and lack of top handler drivers and experienced operators meaning we are getting garbage production levels so ships are sitting at anchor for 4-6 week to come in and work for 1-2 weeks. It used to be direct in and work the same ships for 2-3 days.... 1 like
  -  4bore @coreypeterson59 I worked in World Trade Center, Long Beach one time for a few nights it was incredible to watch the forklift all night long calculated chaos!!
  -  coreypeterson59 @4bore yeah it truly is and to think they can move 1k-2k containers from or onto a ship in a single 8 hours shift is wild. 1 like
bearhairdontcare Just waiting for the workforce shortages from vax refusers to create supply chain issues... containers will fall in price, be patient. They'll be empty and stacked up at ports everywhere. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @bearhairdontcare ... I have you know I'm a vax refuser. They ain't inserting an unknown chemical they incorrectly call a rushed vaccine into me without trouble breaking out. Fair warning. 4 likes
  -  bearhairdontcare @laruetactical I'm on your side brother no worries. Just didn't know how else to phrase it. My point being theh are trying to create a workforce shortage by forcing people to choose between their morals and a paycheck... i predict the workforce issues will create supply issues which in turn will make containers abundant and cheaper. 1 like
willsmashu I doubt it. It probablyhas to do with money hungry shipping companies scrapping ships and containers, using the rona as an excuse
coreypeterson59 @laruetactical that's because China is hoarding the empty containers. I'm a cargo vessel planner, we are loading ships with 4K-6K empty containers only with no exports to get more over seas. The trade imbalance right now is horrendous because the US refuses to get back to work and open the hell back up.... We can't get the imports off our terminal fast enough, seeing a 4-6 week wait time to bring ships in from anchor to work, and labor is garbage with below average production numbers. 2 likes