... Sigh, my job is a daily 3-shot struggle 😎 ML
894 likesdavidjulier I have the same problem. Oh! You were talking about shooting guns😬 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @davidjulier ... She said in your case it's one A.D. after another 5 likes
  -  davidjulier @laruetactical 😂😂😂
cole_slaw77 How often do you get one that doesnt pass qc? 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @cole_slaw77 ... Only when we're jacking with something new ... "Let's freebore this sumbitch within 2" of the muzzle. 😳 Damn, that sucked !" 👀 8 likes
ralph124c41 Can you please post groups on the 20" 7.62 OBR? Thanks! 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @ralph124c41 ... There's two 18" 7.62 OBRs on that rack👀 2 likes
  -  ralph124c41 @laruetactical my apologies. I will send the eyes back to metrology for recalibration. 1 like
storm_tactical_consulting 😮
d.w.jones Awww:)
hobbit0717 That's T-shirt material! Print that on a shirt. The three shot struggle. Laruetactial 1 like
bunkrmonkey rough life
johnfedock Mark LaRue lives his life one-three shot group at a time. :)
bredfearn79 You should fabricate a rail for your wall to mount your optic and mount when not on rifles to test fire.
danmandella Want to trade jobs...?
gsprague 6.5??
el_jefe_556 You're a brave man balancing a $3k optic so precariously! A tail wagging dog or clumsy co-worker could make that a scratch and dent sale item real easy!
kevinmichael_67 If you need a break, I have plenty of free time.
imrmva What about @laruetactical a PredatAR 6ARC build? 1 like