... Dang, it appears we're right in the sweet spot 😳
1,320 likes458_socalm Sweet spot!? Maybe from a Tx point of view, but from a NJ point of view, we're between the two latter phases 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @458_socalm ... Look up fuhsheseesus 16 likes
  -  joseph5myers @laruetactical dang Markk I thought I was going to be introduced to some unknown to me philosepher and instead it was more Facetiousness. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @joseph5myers ... 😎 1 like
  -  458_socalm @laruetactical lol indeed went right by me! Cause I know yall are living better back home in Tx!
firstcoastfirearms Were in real trouble, I'm sorry I can't find humor in this.
  -  laruetactical @firstcoastfirearms ... Humor 🤷 The man that wrote that didn't write it for humor. 4 likes
mckeonekert And if anyone believes there will be changes with the house and senate in 2022 they are sadly mistaken. The communist left has figured out how to scam elections and they will not let another republican majority occur in the house, or senate or a republican president be elected. The Republic is doomed. 😢 1 like
runngun333 We're somewhere between apathy and dependence 2 likes
  -  anubis9926o @runngun333 we're in the beginning stages of bondage
matt_and_a_map One is only thrown into bondage when their will to fight has been exhausted. I am not exhausted. 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @matt_and_a_map ... Somewhere I read we're in "The Twilight Zone ... it's too late to do anything about it and it's too early to start shooting.". Also I'll add that the greatest bands were all boomers 🤷 19 likes
  -  survival4abargain @matt_and_a_map we're not exhausted but will our grandkids and great grandkids have the same energy... 1 like
  -  macman_lifestyle @laruetactical 😂😂
  -  matt_and_a_map @survival4abargain Only if they are ignored by those who know better. Always be present and attentive in their lives. 1 like
  -  matt_and_a_map @laruetactical 😂 Well, it's a good thing we don't live in the Twilight Zone. As for bands, you are correct.
gordonfactor We're definitely somewhere between apathy and dependence
  -  nf3gmn @gordonfactor I would say between selfish ness and apathy.
mjkilfoyle Sad but true. We need enlightenment a vision of ourselves to see how far our nation has slide toward this end. We need a great awakening. 1 like
avalonriflewerx Damn right about the bands! Hope they let them perform in the camps. 1 like
toddjeffries Buy land, ammunition and keep like minded friends and family close. 1 like
coachyorkdale This is one of the main reasons our Founders did not create a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic. That to be effective, requires the elected officials and appointed Judiciary to honor said Constitution. 1 like
qoreperformance Spot on. Now, the question for us all is: what are we going to do about it? We are already 200+ years old, but can we leverage American Exceptionalism and break the cycle? We think we can if we unite against the forces of tyranny right now. us 1 like
medic.wv Except in this very rare case, there are a lot of courageous and virtuous well armed and trained citizens. We may be able to skip the bondage part this time around 1 like
micah_hs Good thing we live in a Republic and not a Democracy... We have Rome to thank for that. Their Republic lasted almost 500 years. And their civilization lasted over 1,000.
  -  mghamilton9 @micah_hs No. The Roman Empire lasted so long because it became a Christian State Empire and the Church was one. The eastern capital was created in 333 AD by Constantine. You can clearly see the West's decline when it abandoned this and the Empire collapsed in the West in 467 AD but not in the East where it lasted til the 15th Century. The West developed after this into regional kings and states and the Franks corrupted the Western Church headed by Rome invented papal supremacy and eventually caused the Great Schism of 1054. At this point the middle ages which were inaccurately called the dark ages were about while no such thing was happening in the East rather is flourished. The West turned to Rationalism where it continued to evolve from the Renaissance, The Reformation, to The Enlightment etc this eventually lead us to the great evils we saw in the 20th century no God but Rationalism. This has even lead us to where we are now with Covid Tyranny. We are a Republic in name only.
  -  micah_hs @mghamilton9 @mghamilton9 Rome was founded in 753 BC, and the Republic was formed in 509 BC... The Empire wasn't formed until 27 BC, and it lasted until 476 AD in the west... if we include the Eastern Empire (AKA the Byzantine empire founded in 330 AD) then the civilization lasted almost 2,000 years... Also Rome didn't adopt Christianity until 313 AD (and even then it was only a symbolic adoption)... Rome Lasted so long because they were a warrior people who took oaths very seriously, not because they were Christians. Also you can blame the boomers for the fact that we are a republic in name only... Them, and Abraham Lincoln. 1 like
  -  mghamilton9 @micah_hs I agree about Lincoln! I was just mainly referring to the Empire and not the whole history of the Roman state. I would say their Republic and Senate are a lot different than ours and it only lasted several hundred years until 27 BC when the Empire was formed. I doubt the Empire would have lasted as long as it did in the east without Christianity because as I said the West didn't it fell to Rationalism and the Franks after 476. Not a long time. By the way Christianity was not in name only Paganism was literally done away with and the Bishops spread Christianity throughout Europe.
  -  micah_hs @mghamilton9 the Republic lasted almost 500 years, and it's structure is very similar to the early American government. You had the Senate for the heads of state/partitions, and the House for the people/plebeians. The only real difference being that Rome had 4 heads, being two consuls and two tribunes, instead of one President. It wasn't until the Civil War and the start of the "progressive era" that it changed... Also Christianity wasn't even recognized by the state until 314 when Emperor Constantine adopted it. However, he never gave up his pagan beliefs, and it wasn't until much later that the Christianity that we know of came into being and was adopted by Rome, 1 like
  -  mghamilton9 @micah_hs Granted, I don't know much about the Republic. Did the people vote for the house or senate or were they appointed? It literally wasn't much later Nicene Christianity which was confirmed not invented was adopted by the Empire after 325 and Christianity became the state church in 380. The Church regards Constantine's conversion as real and inspired by by Holy Spirit. He was supposedly baptized on his deathbed and is venerated as a Saint. Regardless, if his conversion was legitimate or not he allowed it to flourish and it became the state religion and lasted for 1000 years. The Empire lasted so long because of Christianity was my argument because you look at how the West fell to revolutions and rationalism after 476 and the same thing is still going on today but in the east this wasn't the case for a thousand years until the Ottomans overran them fully in 1453
  -  micah_hs @mghamilton9 both the senate and the house/assembly were comprised of elected officials yes... The senate was made up of the patrician and equatorial class and the house was made up of the plebeian class. Exactly how the IS senate used to be made up of officials elect by the states and the house was made of by officials elected by the people. 1 like
caseymac78 There is that word "selfishness". Selfishness is your self-interest. Anyone who uses the word 'selfish' as a negative and simultaneously speaks of spiritual faith, is your most ancient of enemy.
Did the United States practice altruism (selflessness)for the last 130 years? Yep. Is altruism the morality of Jesus and Marx (along with most philosophers)? Yep.
I mean this seriously.... You clowns of faith are the clowns of force. You refuse to identify the moral sewer that brought you here.
100 years before the fall of Rome, Christianity was forced on the people. While the pagan religions before were irrational -- they did hold man to a higher standard. However, nothing is as self-denying and self-destructive as that 2k year old hippie and his humanity crippling nonsense. It destroyed Rome, it kept western europe in hundreds of years of stagnation and still plagues them today, and it has destroyed the United States.
How do you defend an political/economic system of self-interest (selfishness) on the morality of a self-sacrificial hippie? How to you deny math is racist or 2+2 might not be 4, when you believe 3 gods are 1. It's stupid and shame on any of you still pushing this nonsense.
Lastly, the absolute proof of the altruist moralities failure, is the War on Terrorism. Did we love our enemy? Did we not sacrifice the good for the evil? Bush and his faith based war, was easily picked up by those with faith in the state. They're literally interchangeable.
  -  nifehouse @caseymac78 I'll bet you're fun at parties.
  -  caseymac78 @nifehouse imagine actually believing that. I don't disapprove of human happiness, as it's literally the point of life (rational happiness). It's the idea we should feel guilty for living and pay penitence, that I'm against.
Think about the contradiction between the American ideal (the pursuit of happiness) and the morality of a self-sacrificial hippie. We were doomed from the start and still are. Dafuq ever.
  -  kentrhill @caseymac78 I don't understand how you can dislike someone that much when you don't even believe they exist. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
  -  caseymac78 @kentrhill I dislike bad ideas and bad ideas exist. This childish b.s. theistic defense is far past its expiration date. Did all those young adults lay down their life for their brother over the last 20 years for the results you see? Are you defending those results? Are you gonna say the same b.s. Bush Jr., Obama, Trump said? Like 'sacrifice' is the moral ideal?
The disgusting reality, is the country you see -- is the country you fought for. DId we love our enemy to the tune of 89 billion in a modern war machine (and spend 21 trillion on the entire sacrifice)? Did we sacrifice our people for the love of thy enemy? Did we offer up our other cheek for our enemy? Mystics of spirit and mystics of muscle destroying everything they touch.
Yours is the morality of death.
ggg_wood FML
beausoefje We're Rome 😢
moses_135 😮 It's made easier when history is erased or obscured.
hobbit0717 We have lasted a long time, if you know any history, it's time. Nothing lasts forever.
kodiak_precision Here we sit smack dab in the middle of that!
kevinmichael_67 Right on track
xab235 .... A Republic, if you can keep it
pauldmitrios Interesting times ahead.
davispinner I think we would have been done a long time ago if pure democracy. Thankfully it's a republic but still things are a bit scary
threeper_g I see Balkanization in our future.
unclebuck_78 This is soooo very sad. AND TRUE!!!
advancedshootinganalytics Have you read any George Friedman
flintlockchip It's nice to see someone other than myself sharing this, then again it's really not...
ontimespiva It's why we have a "Republic" not a Democracy. Such a misunderstood concept. @laruetactical 1 like
  -  laruetactical @ontimespiva ... Hashtag me ? Showing your reading inability 🤷
  -  ontimespiva @laruetactical Huh? I don't disagree with the post. This is true of a Democracy. It's why the founders set up a Republic and not a Democracy. Even though we're seeing the switch now.
shartgraves Terrifying statement but totally plausible... Now let me go study up on @gardening_by_the_ton ‘s site cause i'm not nearly self sustaining where any food other than meat is concerned...
  -  dereksmitty21 @laruetactical I believe that quote belongs to Alexis de Tocqueville written in the book Democracy in America.
eadie.steve I am sad for my children. They are getting a very good private education and even now they don't understand why the country is doing this to itself. They, we, have an uphill battle to save this country.
rxnemo Texas about to adopt EVEN MORE Californians
brittzter13 We right on track.
wolfhill2 Tytler cycle no doubt!
midwest_jeepguy Yup spot on. People need to open their eyes and pay attention. Rather than listening to the politicians & media
adamethridge Well we had a good run
randy.jones.9849912 We're right in the beginning of the "Shit is about to get real" phase
almost_a_spaceforce_doctor Vote the asholios out and demand accountability.
zebulonmccloud Democracy only works in very narrow situations. When there is a dominant common culture and lineage AND the average IQ is over 100. Democracy has been failing in the USA since the 1960's. Coincidentally, that is when we ceased to have a the two requirements I previously noted. 1 like
zebulonmccloud No truer words have ever been written.
jhetch81876 Not on my watch. My oath of office doesn't expire. If the pen isn't working anymore, time to break out the swords
michael_lothbrok We are a republic. We are supposed to stand up and take our laws and our rights back. We can do it. This is why our founders set it up this way.
whiteyxholmes Texas and Florida need to succeed from the US and stop all welfare, foodstamp and section 8 housing. Only workers and taxpayers can live there and all Democrats should be transported across state lines to the nearest Major Blue city...
mghamilton9 To quote Rajneesh/OSHO "Democracy basically means the government by the people, of the people, and for the people but the people are retarded." Mass industrialized societies based on rationalism, science, and the people and not God which modern America is has failed. Democracy doesn't work as a rule of thumb because you open up the people to their own rationale
bordeth We have a democratically elected Republic. So many media idiots call us a democracy and that we are not
ghostofwalker Fucking right but we can still change it if we take it all back from these shit soft old men bent on tyranny and greed and we do it with force and knee deep in tyrant blood like we did with the British. Our own govt is WAY worse than the British ever were.