... Somebody asked in the last post if I planned on keeping that rifle. Ha, no !! I don't have the storage space if I decided to keep the ones that shot great ... 'cause with well-made match-grade ammo, they all shoot great !! Enjoy the accuracy 🎯 ML
1,092 likesstanley3smith Mark, I can see your billboard on 290 from my house in Chappell Hill.🏴💀 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @stanley3smith ... In that case, you're "in range" 😎 9 likes
gordo_operador Shot my 12" stealth upper for the first time the other day and even that is sub moa! Hornady 72gr. ELD. I should have taken a picture but i was too excited hahaha and i had to hurry up to let somebody else shoot. LaRue really is out here making the best barrels in the world. I have not had a LaRue barrel yet (i've had 5 now) that hasn't been sub moa. 2 likes
salerno1263 👏👏👏 1 like
paddyolantern Do you make any 20" 5.56 complete uppers? I want to make the boys at my 500m range melt down when I ring steel at distance with something other than 6.5CM. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @paddyolantern ... I shot the first of a run of 20" 5.56 barrels yesterday. 16 likes
  -  paddyolantern @laruetactical You just got me from 6 to midnight. Any idea when they'll be available?
  -  545krink @paddyolantern you dont need 20" to hit at 500.
  -  paddyolantern @545krink No doubt. I've done it with my 12.5" Frankenbuild but 20" means I can do it without pointing my barrel above the treelike and puckering the RSO's butthole. 1 like
  -  545krink @paddyolantern wheres the fun in that???
lmikem99 ML. Just got a 308 with 16" barrel. Not planning on shooting over 400yds. What scope do you recommend. 50% hunting (blind and stalking) 50% plinking at the range. Budget up to 2k ish. Less would be better
robert.king.tx I'm about to buy one of these for my 308. I'm not sure what your price range is. Good luck finding what you need. https://www.bushnell.com/elite-tactical/elite-tactical-3.5-21x50-dmr3-riflescope-g4p-reticle/BU-ETDMR3G4.html
  -  lmikem99 @robert.king.tx I have one on my bolt gun. It's a little bigger and heavier than I'd like for this ar10 1 like
gunclear 👏 1 like
russell_stalk Hey mark! Great stuff!! I sent you a private message the other day.. do you get it?
merc321_ Can't wait for my 6.5 creedmoor UU to come
r.deloach.1776 What is the gas length on your 16" PredatAR barrels? Mid-Length?