... We've been digging our boots in and getting the backlog beat into submission. But embarrassingly, some guys on the wait list have gotten divorced, got remarried, got divorced again, had their credit card compromised 3 times, gave up shooting for saltwater aquariums, etc. or fell off the face of the planet. Not many, but a few. Their few rifles are on a ready-to-ship list that's the first thing you see on our website 🔥 ML
668 likesreidaverill Have you shipped any to Portland yet? 😂😂
  -  laruetactical @reidaverill ... I was told about a person that booked a Toby Keith concert in Portland. Their party flew all the way up there and fought a blizzard to get to an empty stadium. "Says the concert was at the other Portland, as in Portland, Oregon, not Maine" 2 likes
  -  reidaverill @laruetactical 😂😂
vine_matt Excellent. We are now officially leaving ILLINOISIKSTAN for Texas. After we get settled into our new found freedom, I'll order me up some TX made goodness. 6 likes
madmax_410 I was hoping some 7.62 OBRs would be in there 😭 3 likes
  -  mstilley14 @madmax_410 me too. I ordered two of em back in Oct. 1 like
jpl2911 Hoping my 6.5 creed ships soon. Coming up on a year next month 4 likes
jdg0707 I can't believe that I got my ship notification today! Whoop Whoop! 3 likes
el_jefe_556 I just shipped my pants! 2 likes
mkbrown26 Got any 556 stealth barrels laying around? I placed an order a few weeks ago.
  -  fanorwood @mkbrown26 You're about 35 weeks short...
nocornerman Ready to ship!? Holy ship 🔥 1 like
ryanbass13 Ordered mine election night and received it today! Thank you LaRue! 1 like
slickrick623x Just received my 7.62 UU shipping notification. A week and some change before the six month mark, so ahead of schedule! 1 like
ohsnapzombies ML, lemme borrow some cash. 1 like
redoak.sooner 🧡
johnpaulsen 👏😂
neprescott I am still here!!!!!
oscar_gt350 Placed an order for a 12" stealth upper back in February. Maybe by Christmas 🎄🎁 🙏
tobasco_cat.45 Waiting on a tranquillo to ship from factory since Nov 2020. Am I an outlier or average wait time?
justn84 im just window shopping👍
1striker4life Need the 308 20 inch barrel please sir
briandavid185 You actually are a pretty funny guy! And a fellow pilot, so there's that, too!
stevensarmiento6 Which uppers are in stock?
willkana Is there any idea when suppressors are going to start shipping? 1 like
  -  white.logan @willkana lol 1 like
  -  thecodystone @willkana how long have you been waiting? 1 like
  -  andy.chavers @thecodystone April for me but I went into it knowing it might take 6 months or more .
  -  thecodystone @andy.chavers I'm over a year. 1 like
  -  andy.chavers @thecodystone I'm seeing that a lot ! I fortunately have a Radiant 7.62 in the pipe that should be cleared by February or so . What sucks is waiting another year for the tranquillo to go through after it is finally built .
  -  willkana @thecodystone about 6 months along with a SUURG kit.
  -  wtsmith3159 @willkana I'm 10 months
bradstagram808 @808militia
nhito @laruetactical any chance these rifles are available to us Californians?