You encounter all sorts of stuff on Central Texas roads - ML
356 likesmatta2662 Kill it with 🔥. 3 likes
kevinmichael_67 You found a hat? 3 likes
iceman_wulf Thats a beauty right there. 😍
daddyscott2001 ......coming soon.......Larue flamethrower......spider edition.....😮 1 like
i_am_the_fos I hate spiders, but after five months my .308 lower will be here tomorrow, so I don't even care, I double tapped this anyways. 😂
jfpvh 12 gauge number eight shot will take care of that 🤣us us ☕☕ 1 like
spearheadprecision Sure
def3va Oh heck No!
fyrfytrs.wife Cool and scary...🕷
teddyterrorthebear No
davidewade Ocho...
dousan36 Nope.
hazard0643 Do you guys still sell the Dillo Dust? I'm out and I needs some more!
nfaservicesllc There weirdest thing might be Mark LaRue taking a picture of a hat and spider on the road... LOL
i.dr.tod.i No thanks, I will stick with my Black Bears, Coyoties, Timber Rattlers, and Copperheads.
phil.thompson.140 Dang!
jon41302 When we lived near the oasis on lake Travis I remember them flooding across the road one year