... Our raw material costs continue to climb. Here's where you put two and two together without me busting the COC by spelling it out. Our awesome team has gotten hooked on supper, therefore, all facets of our business have to be in the black. Do y'all s-a-v-v-y ? ML
544 likesaono1300 I got mine early, but how many employees do you have?
  -  laruetactical @aono1300 ... She said that about you, but how many socks are in your sock drawer ?
  -  aono1300 @laruetactical you gotta love this. Price is definitely worth the admission. I feel like I'm working in my Dad's machine shop again.
gearheadkittykat I was getting over 1" groups with the Hornady 75gr but well under 0.4" with 77 gr SMK commercial loads.
  -  laruetactical @gearheadkittykat ... Them 3/8" groups are where it's at. 2 likes
  -  gearheadkittykat @laruetactical I was getting 0.335" with Norma 77gr SMK. A bit larger with Nosler 77gr. But Federal Gold Match 77gr SMK was consistently 1.1xx" no matter how hard I tried! The Hornady 75gr Match (the white box stuff you use) was 1.4-1.5" and the Hornady 5.56 Superformance 75gr was over 2"! But your upper was producing sub-MOA with WWB Q3131 55gr, which is amazing.
guisseppemw Which upper are y'all talking about? I really wanted a Stealth. 1 like
  -  fanorwood @guisseppemw This is the Match Grade Upper (MGU), a Stealth 2.0. Got mine last Friday and loading 69 gr. SMKs today... Stealths are awesome too. 1 like
  -  guisseppemw @fanorwood thanks man!
nathanielearle Glad I got my order in for one of these uppers yesterday! I could not see anymore of those 0.3-0.5" groups without owning one. 2 likes
brennanf My UU kit is by far the best I've ever owned. Thanks for putting out such high quality hardware. 1 like
bretmail 👏
exjug You and your team make great stuff Mark. 🤙🏽
ralph124c41 Thank you!
bunkrmonkey Please start on the SUURG upper kits
jtwendel02 Just got mine. Can't wait to put some rounds down range. Typical LaRue quality.
taprackbang86 Mine shoots everything from 55grain FMJ Norma, 73 grain bergers and 77grain bergers under a MOA with my 77grain bergers under a 1/4 inch.
matadorr94 If your prices aren't going up right now and you own a business, you aren't doing something right. This is the unfortunate fact right now. Blame those in power.
lkcrome Hmmm, swag and like still has cost and that is better spent in development and production of top of the line cool ass pill slingers?
instructorbrian How are the SUURG upper plans going?
misinformationshuba Do you anticipate raw materials are going to come back down in the near future at all?
  -  laruetactical @misinformationshuba ... No. The fix is in. 3.5 years left of this Presidential theft, followed by another 4, 8, or 12 years of their next pick. 19 likes
  -  misinformationshuba @laruetactical :(
  -  tylerkotulka @laruetactical I hope your wrong. If your right, the cost of material will longer be a concern...if your still alive the United States will no longer be the United States and you won't be allowed to buy raw materials.
  -  matt_curtis_todd @tylerkotulka Things are starting to stabilize in the steel markets as well as building products. The worst thing that could happen is for them to take a sudden nosedive. I'm hopeful once they completely stabilize the cost will start to slowly return to a reasonable level. 1 like