... Hehehehe ... Group = 0.300" (0.286 moa) and I lost count on how many shots that is. 🎯 140ELD, 100 yards, Nightforce, 20" 6.5CM, etc. I sleep better knowing I kept 'em all on the crow - ML
462 likesshultz_dad Great shooting. Looks like 5 shots
treylillich Damn! That's good shootin Tex!
betheabstract Outstanding 👊
kodiak_precision Awesome, and congratulations as I know he has been a nemesis for awhile now.
topshotdustin Verified Sweet!!! 2 likes
traveler889 Holy crow...
meatsweatsmike That would be one dead 'ol crow, nice shooting ML
djcdan5.56_ FKn. Tac driver💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🤙🤙🤙
nathanielearle Good shootin Mark!
grunt167 Now you're just showin off 😂😂 Nice shooting.
davidsomewhere Can't stand crows.
mckeonekert DOA
i.am.but.earth.and.ash Great shootin. Bring back Dillo Dust!
trampis So THAT'S what a scale crow looks like😆...😉🤙Nice shootin' Tex.
twojsdad @laruetactical can I ask some advice? I'm getting ready to order another UUK for the big block lower I just purchased. Going to go with an 18" barrel, should I go .308 or 6.5 Creedmoor? Will mostly be used for punching paper and working on longer range shooting technique.