... Unintended Consequences 💯
1,584 likestopshotdustin Verified 😂
guay.ron Hire everyone as individual independent contractors! 1099 them at the end of the year! 13 likes
  -  countrymama2435 @guay.ron sadly the Gestapo IRS would stop you
forestghostphotography No. It's an intended consequence. You just don't see the chessboard the way they do. It's essentially the Cloward-Piven strategy; overload the system and leave the population in complete dependency until it crashes. A desperate population will beg for the solution that they will present. 22 likes
  -  caswellknives @forestghostphotography "let him who has ears to hear..."👏 6 likes
  -  anticsandadventure @forestghostphotography when 100 doesn't work, they'll drop it to 50. Then 25 and so on until they achieve their goal. 5 likes
keith.yount Well sorry to all my employees, we need to enforce the vaccine since we have 112 employees. But as the owner walking through the parking lot I decided to lay off those who voted for Biden. And as luck would have it I found 13 vehicles with Biden-Harris bumper stickers on them. So good news is we now have 99 employees and vaccines are not required. 19 likes
  -  jolly_peen_giant @keith.yount if they were solid, skilled employees, who didn't miss a day, worked hard and didn't make a fuss, would they still be fired underneath this policy?
  -  taylor.pics1 @jolly_peen_giant in my opinion yes, due to who they voted for forcing experimental vaccines on citizens. 3 likes
  -  keith.yount @jolly_peen_giant it's called a joke. 3 likes
  -  jolly_peen_giant @keith.yount lol I was joking too! If I owned a business, I would absolutely enforce my political beliefs on my employees! I'm just playin dawg. 1 like
  -  _capt_obvious @jolly_peen_giant I've hired people that were productive, skilled, hard workers, but their attitude cost them their jobs. Your work ethics and ability is not all you're judged on. 2 likes
cpl0313 Or how to split it up to have several under 100 person shops 6 likes
  -    my_old_kentucky_homeboy @cpl0313 if it falls under a company umbrella they'll make you
careyblade #FJB 3 likes
dagoking It is very intended consequences, both ways play into their hands. 2 likes
kevinmichael_67 Fully intended. They have to keep as many people as possible on the govt dole. 2 likes
big_bad_brett Time to grow a pair and draw that line in the sand. 5 likes
jhetch81876 I just hope they only lay off the Biden voter 7 likes
colormesouthern Anyone riding with Biden in the parking lot? 1 like
w.nash428 1099 1 like
bpw_1345 If 17 million were unemployed due to the lockdowns what's 80million look like due to mandatory vaxx look like #thisweekinconspiracy 1 like
j.namck Create LLC's, fire or move them to LLC's. Keep them 99 people, hire them as private contractors, problem solved. You keep your work force, and no one gets the JUICE! 3 likes
  -  king.garon @j.namck An administrative nightmare 1 like
t4r_snow_tank 🏴💀🦅us
jkbewley 😂
salerno1263 Hide and watch
pinetreesquad Just like that? Crazy what happens when the Gooberment oversteps 🤷
johnreese06 They should include a note with the layoff paperwork.....thank the "most popular" President ever for this.
tomknowles7 ML hits the bullseye again... haha
sweg_77_ No vax no unemployment either
iancarlisle7 Civil. Disobedience.
garrett.americano *intended consequences.
fr8cture Good thing my employer is under 100 employees.
outlaw_customs_wi I was just thinking this, or corporations will be splitting into separate "companies" to maintain their 99 and below employment numbers. And because of that, we will soon see these same requirements forced onto small businesses too.
pagan_horse_jku We can only hope so
rxnemo for real though
king.garon We saw that happen under the affordable care act (Obamacare) and it's 50 employee threshold. Fire down to less than 50, or stop hiring at 49.
1striker4life About time to start sub company's
andrew.meriwether @laruetactical think bigger... divide your 500 person shop into 6 companies. They can all still work in the same shop, they just are employed by different entities, and share common work areas working on the same projects, not to mention the unintended 6 times the tax deductions 🤪😆🤓
meatsweatsmike Setup another shop in Central AR and I'll send in my resume 🤠
bdclone Well a poll said 76% of Americans would quit their job if they were forced to get vaccinated... I guess we will find out. These mandates shouldn't hold up in court anyway so I hope these businesses tell them to shove and keep operating business as usual
m14lvr When and if goes into effect im working on just having my company 10-99 me. Doesnt sound like this effects subcontracting.
  -  sfrazier82 @laruetactical Are you looking to sell any big bore rifles right now? 1-2 mile mark type...
cannedcorn1234 In the event someone is forced to get the jab unwillingly. Make sure to notate on the signature line that you are signing under duress.
stanley3smith Just like that...
udakine Fuck Biden and anyone that voted for him. Clowns. 5 likes
hellrieger I really would like to thank not only all the pos libs who voted this clown, but specifically non-trumper so called mickey mouse conservatives and rinos for helping America fall into the hands of tyrants and cowards. Great job 1 like
mike_ostlund Mentioned this to a friend last night, maybe millions say FU Biden and there is a boom in small business. Wishful thinking, I know