... I put four consecutive 6.5 Creedmoor 140 grain Berger bullets through that hole, then overthought the flyer. Guessing I left it laying in the hot chamber too long before sending it. Translation - I choked. 😕 (1/2" squares, 100 yards, 20" barrel) ML
532 likesthecodystone Good shooting scooter.
squier_jerry There is always that one...... that doesn't cooperate.
kodiak_precision Always keeps you striving for me. Great group!
robsidro Are these the upper kits ?
ifitsbroke_fixit Dont worry about that little guy. 1 like
keyspeed09 Tighter than a snowflake bust them every time
the_doug_and_erin_oil_show Very nice
jfpvh When I site in a rifle I take 20 minutes to a half hour between shots depending on the caliber. It has actually taken me a half a day to get one sided in. I guess that's why my friends and friends of friends want me to site there gun in us us ☕☕
  -  laruetactical @jfpvh ... I aim at the intersection of four crow targets taped on a 24"x36" cardboard. 1st shot never fails to hit one of the four pages, within 3-4" of that intersection. I use reticle to measure, then click the clicks. A lot of the time the next round hits the intersection. ML 5 likes
  -  jfpvh @laruetactical I love my OBR 556 it is an absolute Tac Driver!!! There must be a half a dozen different ways to site in a rifle as long as the in results are the same it all good. But then again I'm a snob when it comes to my Larue rifle scope mount etc. thank you very much us us ☕☕
ashton278 Don't be too hard on yourself.