I spy with my little eye ... ML #larue #laruetactical #precisionrifles #gunsofinstagram
880 likesrexbell296 Best in the game 2 likes
devious_6 As an old retired Army Colonel and Pentagon 9/11 survivor, this is awesome. I think I need to make my next build a LaRue! 1 like
  -  74eric1 @devious_6 definitely worth every penny. I have a 16" OBR 762 and Love it. It's more accurate than my Cooper bolt rifle and that's saying a lot!! 1 like
canemovium Sold my DDm4V5 and assembled one of your Ultimate upper kits in 14.5 matched to a Larue lower; one accurate coyote killer. Trouble with it is it got me addicted to MBT triggers...
  -  spartan7.62 @canemovium addiction to mbt triggers isnt a problem. Its economically intelligent 👌
  -  canemovium @spartan7.62 touche!
ramgriss Perfection...except the keymod being the only option on the 7.62 upper kits...
raw_cmoss @wtx_land_protection
mac_daddy62 Someone trusts their life w/Larue equipment 👍
duckhnt What's up with that optic mount 1 like
  -  duckhnt @charlies_custom_clones agreed... And looks a little non-LT'ish
stalwartdefense I recognize that barrel chested freedom fighter @have_gun_will_crusade 1 like
  -  hgwc_rick @stalwartdefense that's not me. I had just reposted from NF. Ha. Did I just stolen valor?
_esstac @laruetactical When will the Stealth 2.0 chassis be released? I have a 10 and 13" Need a 7-8"!