... Pure sex ... ML
987 likes191_9x23 That is beautiful!
theonejakeb 👍🏼
joe.shelby88 No staking gas key? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @joe.shelby88 ... not on that unfinished one, but nice try 31 likes
  -  dmgunn45 @laruetactical I swear someone could make a bcg out of tinfoil, and tons of people would buy them as long as the gas key is staked. 🙄 4 likes
  -  joe.shelby88 @laruetactical Nice try? Just asking a question. 3 likes
  -  shitcreekinternational @laruetactical what is it with all the gas key staking questions today...🙄 1 like
  -  the_og_brad @dmgunn45 where do I get this tin foil? 🤓
  -  kinetic_defense_tx @shitcreekinternational going to become the next #2weeks gag probably
  -  shitcreekinternational @kinetic_defense_tx 😂👌
  -  dmgunn45 @tacticalkeychains anywhere - dollar store tinfoil is fine, as long as that key is properly staked 🤪 1 like
rob_hanch.650 Whats the weight without bolt?
czechnology1975 What material for the carrier? P-6? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @czechnology1975 ... "Shock 7" ... though it's not cheap, we like S7's machinability ... and it's shock resistance. Affordable Overkill (TM)
  -  czechnology1975 @laruetactical what kind of sfm can you get with your haas?
  -  laruetactical @czechnology1975 ... Like with all my 100 Haas mills, I can damn near get any Surface Speed per Minute I want. There's plenty of RPM's and plenty of feed rate, so away we go !! 2 likes
josh.macintyre The chrome bolts are tits!
_esstac Damnit Mark, how do I buy those? 3 likes
ljonathan35 You got those in a .308/6.5 version👍🙏 2 likes
jointdocshields TOB
blewbyu77 Ditto
victor4actual She's a beaut, Mark.
nfaservicesllc I love me some LaRue bolt carrier groups, but if you think that's pure sex, you might be doing it wrong... 🤪 1 like
the_og_brad I'm new here, great work BTW. 3d machining is looking pretty good. Tested stepover for friction and/or oil holding capability? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @tacticalkeychains ... There's a fine dance with surfing .... and it's between shorter cycle times and esthetics. 1 like
  -  the_og_brad @laruetactical what machine are you making them on?
capablegentleman 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
landothegunguy @laruetactical when are you going to release the siete on your website?
kodiak_precision No Doubt!!!
locktimeammunition I like sex.. brass and copper too. Accurate rifles. Dogs and maybe 3 people. 1 like
mtgbanker Beautiful bcg