... Damn, rocket man just had to trump our 6.5 Grendel announcement 🚀 ML
2,157 likescdd346 Except Austin is liberal and just as bad 1 like
  -  laruetactical @cdd346 ... Elon Musk knew well ahead of time that Gov. Tax-N-Spend wasn't gonna get recalled 🤷 3 likes
  -  cdd346 @laruetactical we all knew that. I'm just hoping this will be a good move for them.
bigskypylot Bringing more liberals to Texas 14 likes
icveinz They are hoping to bring more Demoncrat influence to Texas, be warned.
  -  laruetactical @icveinz ... Water is wet ✅
longrangesurfer He needs to support Prop A so there are enough cops to protect all his workers. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @longrangesurfer ... It's Texas ... we protect ourselves down here 🤷 54 likes
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical I agree! I do too. Have 3 of your rifles. I'm just trying to protect my career and the weak who can't protect themselves. For the last 27 years.
  -  appalachiandefense @longrangesurfer why would you want more police? 1 like
  -  longrangesurfer @appalachiandefense to piss off the left. 2 likes
  -  b_weaver96 @appalachiandefense gotta love that standing army of tyrant lapdogs 2 likes
  -  appalachiandefense @longrangesurfer well they piss me off too. 2 likes
bradtully7 Buy up property as quickly as you can Mark!!! 6 likes
wysong.brian But thats about as liberal as you can get in TX. 4 likes
j_frank24_ More democrats in Texas isn't good. 5 likes
mikenotgonnagetit So pretty much he's moving from California to California jr? 3 likes
bklingensmith61 I have one 6.5, could always use another! No use for an electric car. Gunpowder and dead dinosaurs. Amen. 4 likes
djqx Lmao. 6.5 is still little big news. 2 likes
mckeonekert CA moving to TX. Not sure that's a good thing. 3 likes
freedomseeds9000 His company is a liberal cesspool. Keep your employees in California. 2 likes
thomasliepke I thought they were already there 2 likes
dfens_tx Austin's really liberal though. It's like San Francisco but but sadly here in Texas. 7 likes
fiesta346 Cali is so bad Tesla is getting the F out😂😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @fiesta346 ... You have a point 👀
peakpg03 😂😂😂😂
kdhawkins1966 Shutdown dems in California
rmarshall125 What will he do if Beto wins the governor 🤔
luffy_dmack Hopefully not bringing liberals with him
nico_protege A LaRue 6.5 Grendel is my dream rifle. Unfortunately I'm too broke to afford one 😢
fuckzuckhtx And bringing all of his liberal employees.... We should all short Tesla. 📉
beer_beef_bullets_blades Tesla + Larue = Rail gun?
jlamonster Grendels attached to Tesla's
rebekafitt Please don't! We don't need all of his liberal employees living here
bearcat_2k7 Same clowns helped destroy Cali
karolsty Any chance another run of the 556 match uppers will be made
lone__renegade Austin is just as bad!!
thermopunk_80 Maybe you guys and rocket man should work on a sweet space gun 😎
runawaydeere He is still building in Cali, and the boring company is still tunneling in the IE
drewfitzgerald1 So he's moving to the melting pot of liberals that are in a red state ... Smh 😂
pawpawlammy Austin is California.
red_dirt_cyclist Austin??? Isn't that Los Angeles Central???
grendelman1975 6.5 Grendel is good cartridge, been playing with that round 10 years or more. Interested in seeing what yall have in the works for the little Russian case that could....
jason_r_ Now he's gonna bring all the dumb commies from Cali to TX
reidhead.jace More libtards moving to TX 🤢🤮
avalonriflewerx Great. More California libtards
cactusandcolt Is he gonna tell Austin to stop voting like California? 21 likes
  -  runawaydeere @cactusandcolt We Californians warned you about our Californians vacating..... they don't all vote like you and I would ;-). It's too late the genies out of the bottle. Good luck don't say we didn't warn ya'll 2 likes
  -  jlamonster @cactusandcolt hold up 🤚🏻 we California's don't think like that ok it's is the major city's like LA, San Fran and Sac that bring us down. We wanted our stated split up and the corrupt courts threw that out. Trust me don't lump everyone into that just like you guys have major blue cities. Gavin also made it mandatory mail in ballots... now why do you think he did that??? 3 likes
  -  pdrug @jlamonster true and I like elon but with his company will come techie liberal voters. A lot of the californians that leave do not have your mentality. They are true believers who think they need to change the "evil red states" blue. 3 likes
  -  rebekafitt @runawaydeere pick another state then!!
  -  rebekafitt @jlamonster uhh for the record I lived in commifornia for some time and most of y'all are either already liberal or east coast transplants that are liberals - most of y'all are indeed liberals
  -  jlamonster @shannonrebeka tf part you live in huh
  -  runawaydeere @pdrug they got screwed worse than us. They actually got warnings first. Loooool
  -  runawaydeere @shannonrebeka that doesn't even make any sense.... I haven't left my home state, I am just watching the exodus happen... frankly stupid narrow comments like that are typical from folks who didn't listen when we warned them about california politics exporting to other states.
  -  laruetactical @runawaydeere ... LOL 😂 Speaking of stupid comments ... you assumed we needed warned. "WATER IS WET !!" 1 like
  -  rebekafitt @jlamonster I live out in the country outside of Austin what difference does that make you don't have to be tacky and tasteless But obviously you are one of the people I'm talking about
  -  rebekafitt @runawaydeere How does that not make any sense did you go to school at least past the eighth grade because if you did that made complete sense. I'm sorry that you are obviously one of the people I am talking about and how to get all butt hurt about what I said
  -  jlamonster @shannonrebeka no, you just act like you know when you clearly haven't been here.
  -  rebekafitt @jlamonster uhh yeah I was lol you're def a libtard 1 like
  -  runawaydeere @shannonrebeka I haven't left my home state. Good luck with your california 2.0
  -  rebekafitt @runawaydeere Yeah we don't want California to point out hence the post that I made lol your comments are very uneducated
  -  runawaydeere @laruetactical I think other states needed the warning and it appears since tx is migrating purple, the warning was not heeded. If it was,the districts would have been gerrymandered correctly to keep the votes the way you wanted them, perhaps there would be a better outcome. There still are many conservatives in the interior of Ca. The fact that folks in this thread are arguing with others who have the same political views based on geography is the real loss and take away from this thread. It's obvious that conservatives will readily eat their own, just like liberals.
  -  runawaydeere @shannonrebeka it's entertaining watching states fundamentally changing. I'm not sure why some folks lash out like you at other people who most likely have very very conservative view on the roles of gov't. I believe the 16th should be abolished And is unconstitutional. Do you?
  -  rebekafitt @runawaydeere I actually do- my husband and I are Constitutionalists - we are the utmost right wing - we are anti- abortion, pro gun and right to carry based on the Constitution, pro God in everything and pro uniforms - ALL of them
karl.koch.71 More commie voters moving also
realmda13 Like getting the most valuable "car" company in the world to relocate to your state is a bad thing? I bet ML is gonna poach some burned out machinists to come over to Leander.
drake_conman California can keep your shit people. Texas doesn't want them.
hughrerection I thought Austin was California? 1 like
willsmashu Texas is about to get a lot more blue
  -  perez2021juan @willsmashu if TX ever goes blue....it's all over....38 electoral votes 😬
  -  willsmashu @perez2021juan that day is for sure coming.
reagan.911.991.c2 Lol just when it couldn't get any worse...
tacticalslings It makes since for all businesses and working class people to leave California Taxes too high. Laws only enforced against gun owners. Criminals running the state
mudlock_holmes Austin is a liberal Shithole
bigdavis44 @laruetactical Well that debatable!! That 6.5 Grendel is a pretty big deal!!