... Wait !! Y'all don't look unless there's a gun in the pic 🧐
1,312 likesfr8cture I love the 6.5G but no ammo. 😢
gasoperated How about selling some predatobr barrels in 6.5 1 like
  -  perez2021juan @gasoperated It'd be cheaper just to buy the 6.5 MGU? You get a complete upper, bolt snd all 1 like
arizona_twelve_sixtysix If that's 223 I have one now.
  -  captnjack @arizona_twelve_sixtysix paused 5.56 to do some 18" 6.5 Grendel
ninja_tastycake No gun no fun 1 like
chei_alexander 7.62 ?
  -  laruetactical @chei_alexander ... See last post 1 like
  -  captnjack @chei_alexander 6.5 Grendel 1 like
joshua75jf I see your plane pics 😢but they go right over my head 1 like
bradtully7 Will you ever do an FDE version of your rifles?? 1 like
1striker4life I need a complete 308 upper
brad_jackie55555 You getting any MGU 5.56 uppers back in stock?
gunsmithlee 😍😍😍😍
avernapolis Looks great! Do these uppers get test fired before they ship? What does LaRue recommend for break in?
naturalhigh10 Any stealth coming soon???? Pretty please
joey3021 You got me exciting thinking they are the 16" complete uppers. I guess I'll just imagine it in my hands until they go out. 😂
stumpwso I'm kicking myself for not getting one of the 556s while you had them. Guess I'll jump on it quickly the next time they come up.
andy.chavers Not true ML.. you throw a pic of a pile of Tranquillos on there and I will stop on a dime !
auav8tor @laruetactical got my shipping notification, awesome. My first 6.5 Grendel; what ammo do you recommend?
  -  fr8cture @auav8tor Hornady ELD-M if you can find it.
toddjeffries Does @laruetactical allow tours?