... Today's outgoing 18" 6.5 Grendel MGU pallet is reaching new heights 👀 A virtual cornucopia of trackin' numbers if you will ... ML
491 likescrppilot Any UU kits? It's my 1 year wait anniversary... PLEASE 1 like
csolstice032018 😍
foster63b 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I need more moneys!!! 🤠🤠🤠
kodiak_precision Allot of happiness there!!!
mikexteti #jenga
awilliams30808 Next question is where can we find brass to feed it!
awilliams30808 Glad I signed up for the email! Glad to know mine is in that stack somewhere!
perez2021juan About half if the pre-made batch there?
thecodystone What's the difference in this upper and the previous one from the UU kit?
blue_cat_797 I've got my tracking #'s...
thuff229 Just placed an order for one, hope I get one
remington73 Waiting for .308 MGU here......