... The Real Red Pill - Authentic Atomic Fireballs 😎 impossible to go to sleep on the road while sucking on one of these bad boys 🔥💥🔥 Has to be the real McCoy though and I just bought this resupply at Tractor Supply 🔥 ML
598 likestopshotdustin Verified I haven't seen those in years! 6 likes
csolstice032018 Fireballs and .260 ammo!!! Two of my favorite things! 2 likes
tony_rust_3445 Like lava .. 🔥.. lol.. 1 like
bklingensmith61 3 bags on my front seat right now. Nectar of the Gods🔥🔥 1 like
vine_matt We used to snack on those while on deployment. Tired, pop one of these! Kept me going through many a 12 hour shift. 1 like
mikenotgonnagetit Oh dear god I love atomic fireballs!! Those things are like crack for me. Ill buy em in like 5 pound quantities a month since I eat so damned many daily. 1 like
stevensarmiento6 Sir , your Instagram posts are amazing 1 like
salerno1263 😋😋😋
korobob My favorites🔥🔥🔥🔥
charles_helm Outstanding!
derek558 Hot tamales too! 🔥
breezyclipper oh, yeah !!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
kodiak_precision Yum to both !!!
grillas_n_guns Wow ! I love those things!
def3va Used to use them to stay awake during lectures.
rcflyer40t These and Lemonheads! Damn I miss them
hobbit0717 Love those things, would pop one in before I put my dive hat on to go to work. Good times.
parallax_error1 Choking hazard (for me)
surfinnh i havnt seen these in ages
tennantch2019 Sour skittles also work but not as good
chuckharris1836 I was addicted to them years ago.
darylbarker65 Best candy in the history of candy. Buy a bag get a case of 260 REM?
dwr61 Damn Tractor Supply upping their game selling that LaRue ammo. Haha we can only wish, will just have to settle for the fireballs for now.
poppin_pecs Going back 30+ years... I was a teenager, skateboarding on the sidewalk, next to a fairly busy road, when a car drove by and all I saw was a guy hanging out the passenger side window. I saw him throw something as he called me a fag. I was knocked off my board and fell onto my back. At first, I had no idea what happened. However, after looking at the perfectly round red circle on the right chest of my white shirt, I glanced to my right only to see the partially sucked cinnamon jawbreaker we all loved so much.... My friends came back to check on me and asked what happened. All I could do is whisper the words, "Atomic Fireball". 😂
nate_cr I remember those things were wild as a kid. Ate one recently and it was not how I remembered.