October of last year in Wyoming...rode 25 wilderness miles in pursuit of elk. That's Todd Hodnett helping the wranglers saddle-up. The wranglers had themselves a good hand that snowy morning. Yeah, we both got an elk. ML #larue #laruetactical #foreverwest #wyoming #elkhunting
526 othersmckeonekert You & Todd earned those elk!
benlevi99 @princeominnows let's go
janika_petersburg Where in Wyoming?
  -  laruetactical @janika_sweeney West of Cody - ML
bretmail That's good living!
accuracy1st That was a great trip. Beautiful country and good friends 1 like
lehigh_outdoors That didn't happen to be with the folks at the K Bar Z, did it?
  -  laruetactical @lehigh_outdoors Livingston Outfitters - I highly recommend them :-) 1 like
  -  lehigh_outdoors @laruetactical Thought so! Spent a month there last summer with a class offered through my school, couldn't meet a nicer bunch of people.
def3va Who made that saddle?
  -  laruetactical @jmonaccio Who made the saddle ? I have no idea, there was a tack tent in camp filled with a variety of makes/models, some with thousands and thousands of miles on them. ML