... Accuracy Package 🎯 packages waitin' on UPS
566 likesconnelldad I'm gonna guess more than a handful of those are because of my thread in GD. 😜 1 like
  -  laruetactical @connelldad ... "Posted: 10/22/2021 3:06:39 PM EDT https://www.larue.com/products/larue-accuracy-package/
Just lettin y'all know."
  -  laruetactical ... Looking forward to some of y'all leaping into action, mounting and shooting yours.
  -  connelldad @laruetactical I mounted a new Razor 5-27 on my 6.5G UU Kit this past weekend. At 100yds the first two shots were in the same hole. Then I got excited and yanked the third shot a half inch high and right. User error messed up an almost perfect group. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @connelldad ... Pics ... or ....
the_evan_principle Crazy question: For us Texas folks, or anyone who wished to make the trek, is it possible to go to Larue Tactical and purchase one of your rifles on-site? 1 like
  -  ruckingrandy @the_evan_principle they arent open to the public. 1 like
wtsmith3159 Which one of those boxes has suppressors in it 4 likes
gunnar_watson Hey Mark are they m4 barrels or a3? 1 like
  -  chumbief @gunnar_watson M4 1 like
electric_wj Oh yeah!! 1 like
realwestern_ Got my ship notification! 👏 1 like
ryandixon_150 ETA on siete bolt guns? 🙃 1 like
brandonshehan Mine is in there! 1 like
eljefe757va Hoping those SUURG kits are going to be on one of your shipping updates soon. 1 like
foxtrot.tango.whiskey.actual One of those is MINE!!! I forgot to order a gas block though 1 like
guardianfirearmco Got my tracking number today. Least one of those is enroute to CO! 1 like
slack1776 Any time frame on single stage triggers? @laruetactical 2 likes