... Nuttin' to see here ...
686 likessmabery3 A Larue 1911??😍 18 likes
  -  harkentriptych @smabery3 I hope so!
mark_milo310 Hammer for the new Springfield Hi Power? 14 likes
jspryce Track map for next year's Miami GP? 4 likes
  -  macman_lifestyle @jspryce 😂
1rblank In before the guys crying about you working on stuff other then their back ordered kits 😂 8 likes
captnjack Sign me up for a LaRue pistol. 🙌🙌 5 likes
oneasteriskindustries Sweet 1911🔥🔥🔥 2 likes
rhyno_82 MBT 1911? 2 likes
sigmpc_k9 Please be a 1911! 2 likes
matthelmknives Oooooo, I remember pics of a complete 2011 back 9 or 10 years ago...😍 1 like
loganmk330 New dillo? 1 like
toddhogue Glock carbine in 10mm Auto? 1 like
gwerkin88 Looks like some catia work 1 like
i_got_it_all_worked_out Glock hammer 6 likes
  -  ghostmarmot @i_got_it_all_worked_out 😂 1 like
tommysgunworks 😮
billsnearly It's hammer time! 🔨
andrew_the_machinist I'm in!
supercomp9x23 Very interesting point you have.
tonyazampino 1911?
e_lake2110 JMB definitely approves!!!!
patrick.a.johnson314 Fingers crossed!
sir_magellan Hammer?
krazykyleii Finally!
wesleyumbarger It's missing the other hole...
jsigone CZ hammer time! 😂
itsa1911 ooooo something says this will be awesome
toods2 Go on...
icecoldmn 1911 or 2011 prefer 1911 but would buy a couple of either🔥
tony_rust_3445 @laruetactical ... Your flight map? 🤔.. lol. 1 like
  -  originaldeboard @tony_rust_3445 Literally what I thought I was looking at, at first. Following gun pages and aircraft pages sometimes they overlap. 😂
gospencer1 @laruetactical thats what we talked about at Shot Show! Please release the Siete's first! 2 likes
saladtossed89 Wire edm frame? @laruetactical
998001formerlycrypticscribbles 2011??? 🧡🧡
threepereaper68 Wire work
trapshootb Oh My What's This new parts for the EDM ? But I Really Want My Bolt Gun Mr LaRue ? Please Pretty Please 🙏 With Sugar on Top 😢 Brent Roeben 1 like
nonstandardresponse Dear Lord, please send us a LaRue 2011. Amen.
stumpwso Sign me up for the Larue 1911 1 like
moodphotoz Throw lever and bolt for the bolt-rifle that has been teased before ?
josh.macintyre Take my money
mikenotgonnagetit This has my attention.....please get into making pistols. Id love a larue 1911 or some shit
kylebryant8096 Two more weeks
cletus.james.walker Sig P220 hammer ?
volsaturday As long as it isn't in a Eurotrash caliber.
gunsmithsid Oooh - that doesn't look right. Hammer face is crazy!
emilio_3511 That is what it lookin like
mk_n_it Hammer for the siete 😂
rusty_keyboard They coming in more or less than Siete years?
michael_s.kline @laruetactical make all the other parts too, I double dog dare ya, I need a L.T 1911 in my gun safe, and while you're at I need L.T. knife too! 1 like
perez2021juan After texting "1911 hammer" I see that.......it just MIGHT be a pistol hammer.....just maybe.......we shall see!
gh_arms This is the GPS routing of a Navion. Clearly a missed approach and some fancy flying up there around the hammer err I mean the vortac was uhh.. must have been off that day and NOBODY made a notam.
harrystetser Are you channeling your inner john Browning??
stevenmcclay6921 2011