... Speaking of Navion's renowned toughness, 10 miles or so from the field a pair of Navions got tangled in-flight while practicing formation flying. Amazingly, both made it back to the field and landed. This bird's pilot had his hands full. Can you imagine ? ML
783 likescastlelad Full send
petro45acp Any landing you can walk away from.... Those planes are tough SOBs!!! Best outcome. Cheers 1 like
xaquagodx Wow , no I can't imagine ! 🍀
bruceshibley That looks unflyable in that condition. Lucky, very lucky.
coredneckinc Wow! All that damage looks to be on the trailing edge, and still has a straight prop. Impressive machine and pilot.
karl.koch.71 Holy...
mskategordon 😱😱😱😱😱
magnoliaprecision Wow. That would definitely change your normal approach procedures 😳 1 like
  -  laruetactical @magnoliaprecision ... Yeah, so much for entering the pattern on the forty-five. 🛫 3 likes
ampitts42 Wow we need a video
kodiak_precision No! That's absolutely amazing they were able to get back to the airfield and families
nielj_t Damn, reminds me of the dude that emergency landed an F-15 before realizing he lost a whole wing 🤣
ccpnw541 Scary!
redoak.sooner That's nuts! Heck of an aircraft!
arizona_twelve_sixtysix "Hashtag" #willnotbuffout
oilsoakedheart Wow. Is that recent? The pilots showed some mad skills making it back.
dbhaupt Bet he had to throw his underwear away! 😂
tonyanthonyadventures Dang, the dude landed with it like that??? Man, all my motocross, bicycle, skateboard, and snowboard tricks seem really lame right now.
unumetsuperare Damn
crppilot Major pucker factor there
onsetarms @laruetactical , when did this happen?
  -  laruetactical @onsetarms ... Seems like it was 2-3 years ago.
  -  onsetarms @laruetactical ahhhh. Okay. Glad my Navion hasn't returned from a formation flight looking like that! But glad to know she might be able to@land with a mangled wing
  -  laruetactical @onsetarms ... Fly it all the way to a stop. 1 like
  -  onsetarms @laruetactical true story!!!!!
  -  laruetactical @onsetarms ... 16-18 years ago I departed West Houston Airport ( formerly known as Lakeside) and a plane that had just survived a mid-air over I-10 landed behind me. He was flying one wing. I read the story later and he was asleep with his girlfriend flying when they hit. He woke up and said "My airplane" as it plummeted. Lucky for him he had just taken an "unusual attitude" course and fought it into submission, then flew it to the nearest field - West Houston. 3 likes
  -  onsetarms @laruetactical wow!!!! I bet he had a heck of a time explaining his nap to the feds.... (assuming girlfriend was not a rated pilot).
iviark5 @ianmichael_ 1 like
reluctant_hobby_farmer Now that's a pilot who's worthy!!! He'll be telling that story over a beer till he or she dies.
hfuzzy_boomer Wow. Great piece of flying to get that back to the airfield.
lylebenjamin4 Center: Do you wish to declare an emergency?
  -  lylebenjamin4 @lylebenjamin4 Pilot: Not at this time. I still have airspeed and am not on fire.
bradleyaten Holy cow 😱😱
macguyver651 *pants full
vicktorvolpe Holy crap.
doherty7214 Hope he wore his brown pants
j_frank24_ That poor seat cushion.