... Last customer rifle of today. 14.5" 7.62 PredatOBR, 168 FGMM, NightForce 5-25, Harris/LaRue HybridPod = 0.200" 3-shot 💯 yard group = 0.191 moa 🎯 ML
305 likesbmayes425 Nice 🔥
josh.macintyre Tits
nuerosis19 Come on 18"!
tallen805 Does that 7.62 kick like a mule or not too bad?
  -  laruetactical @tallen805 ... I hunted groundhogs with a 7mmRemMag and 338WinMag in my late teens 🤷 3 likes
  -  tallen805 @laruetactical, nice! Boom Squad calibers👊
salerno1263 Sweet 😍😍
betzfromtheinside ML the .25 moa junkie........