... Saw where California farmers, faced with a bleak labor market, planted a million acres of almonds in California, just for the ease of automated harvesting ... "Look Ma, No Hands!!" That explains why once rare almonds are now everywhere 👀 The obvious result is fresh vegetables will become scarce ... and pricey 🍓🍉🍅🥦🥒 ML
761 likesbmayes425 BTW my new LaRue .308 is a tack driver.. thank you!! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @bmayes425 ... When did it get to your FFL ? 1 like
  -  bmayes425 @laruetactical I bought an ultimate upper and all the other parts to build the complete rifle. I actually received the lower receiver at my FFL back in April or May and received the complete upper straight to my house late September. I put it together and have about 100 rounds through it at this point. Absolutely love the AR10. Great quality. Now just waiting on the tranquilo!
jim.peden.7 Almonds take a ton of water to grow,one gallon per each almond,ridiculous 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @jim.peden.7 ... I never thought about how much water it takes to make a tomato and I refuse to think about it🍅🍅🍅 1 like
  -  jcaplinger199 There is some that are blaming almond farms and the water consumption to the California drought and fires.
gsdpanzer I know for me, we can not get people to pick grapes In my vineyards.
  -  laruetactical @gsdpanzer ... A frightening position to be in 😳
  -  brett__2021 @gsdpanzer What does a grape picker make per year, roughly? I hate my office job.. and I love Chambourcin.
tycoramerizdad They use tons of water to grow 3 likes
billsnearly Who is going to milk all those almonds? 😮 3 likes
  -  fdmarshal @billsnearly I've got nipples Bill, can you milk me? 1 like
bmayes425 If everyone grows them in California that's a bad deal. I read that it takes 1 gallon of water to produce one almond... they will run out of water and people will flood into Texas like never before. Sooo stop eating almonds. And eat more veggies 4 likes
americaisbest This also contributes to their water shortages out that way. Almonds take a ton of water. 3 likes
  -  justadad1980 @americaisbest I mean farming in general takes tons of water. I mean look at the amount of water clothes take. It would literally surprise you to know the luggage in an airplane caused more pollution to create than the flight itself.
  -  458_socalm @justadad1980 to make the clothes???
  -  rlwhitford @458_socalm cotton takes water to grow
  -  justadad1980 @458_socalm yes its like 10,000 gallons to make a pair of jeans more for other clothes.
the.crew.co Grow your own. Also, farming subsidies are ridiculous. 1 like
justadad1980 Yet they want the whole country to be vegetarians yet they show no support to the farmers and truckers. I swear our government is backwards. 1 like
  -  voodoosurvivor @justadad1980 I think the burgers that Bill Gates and the world's elite want you eat come from a vat of chemicals, not from a farm. But don't worry, you will have less and be happy. 1 like
dadofthreee Machines do it cheaper than by hand... Never thought I'd have to explain that to a machinist! lol. Many industries will move to a product that creates the most profit with less labor. The labor pool in CA is very dry.
  -  laruetactical @dadofthreee ... You didn't need to explain it to me. Ironically, not everyone in this audience is up-to speed on America's forced rush to automate. 5 likes
  -  texan.right @laruetactical hard to argue when American producers have to compete with shit wages in China. In the states we get to resort to automation and it works well with the split, but some goods just get raped by China, and quality is hardly shit 1 like
  -  dadofthreee @laruetactical Forced rush to work around labor shortages is painfully correct.
nathingtwo Everything will be. Why are they shutting down the country?
msuspartan4ever Almonds also require alot of water...
mb_338winmag3 Yes...fresh vegetables are now being farmed and harvested by new i.e., mechanical and robotic machines...scary stuff...nobody wants to work all of a sudden...
dave_mariotti__ They also use a ton of water. California has some serious problems.
h3artglass Research water requirements for almonds.. huge amount of water needed. Another reason the Colorado river basin is running out of water
perez2021juan Got me a bag of chocalate covered, coconut almonds at Costco yesterday. And they are marvelous 😎
chazbowser Mark - you know your nuts!
sanddart93 Time for old school Victory Gardens. better start planting
wpatertr Same thing for palm oil and fucking rubber trees.
legionpreparedness Not to mention feral hogs which are virtually destroying farmers in Texas
eadie.steve As a farmer, and accountant, I say go where the money is. Farming crops that loose money 8 out of 10 years is a fools game. Since only a minority wants to pay the price for American grown we are hosed. I am sad for the American specialty crop grower. (But I love almonds!)
tubefitter61 Finding labor in Wyoming is next impossible for local contractors. Talked to a fence guy today. His four man crew is his daughter. Two men over 65 and himself. It's freaking crazy ugly.
  -  voodoosurvivor @tubefitter61 Hey! What's wrong with a guy over 65 being part of his crew?!
  -  tubefitter61 @voodoosurvivor not a thing. I'm 60 myself. Lol. It speaks to the point that labor is a problem across all industries. Besides us old guys work smarter not harder. Lol.
  -  laruetactical @tubefitter61 ... After muscling a new fridge up a few steps last weekend, I came to the realization that 64 years old doesn't make me ready for "2 Okd Guys Moving"
  -  tubefitter61 @laruetactical it's an ugly truth that old man tie catches up with all of us.
  -  voodoosurvivor @tubefitter61 👍
bruceshibley And the cost of water in CA is why they cost so damn much... thirsty trees...
aswarmofwolves_ The use illegal Mexicans
james_siler WTF is the government doing, paying farmers to destroy crops and the oil and gas industry to not fracture oil. Fuck the Globalist and the occupants of the White House.