... The drop on the left was found back in early spring, The slightly sunbleached drop on the right was found this past week on the same ridge, while driving cows down. Found 6 months apart ... looks like a pair ... yes / no ? ML
476 likesbillhouston4241 Elk are carrying Single-Action Army now?
2020 is WIIIIIIILD. 4 likes
stevenmcclay6921 I love the sheds! Only whitetail where we hunt. I don't know elk but that is a perfect match. Off topic but are you looking to beat your 405yd record with this hunt?
dadofthreee Looks like it. But you're supposed to get them while they are still attached to the bull. 5 likes
mayorofriverbluffrd Definitely a pair 1 like
hadaway18 Check your messages Mark. 1 like
  -  a_aurioles34 @hadaway18 just call them. Waiting on hold sucks but I've gotten through each time
kodiak_precision Likely is my bet. 1 like
laruetactical @hadaway18 ... Boomer alert ... I don't do messages on here ... "Yes, yes, thanks for letting me know they are in stock" ... "One more quick question - do you have them in FDE ?" ... "No FDE huh, what exact moment will you have FDE back in stock ?" ... "Okay, now I understand about this China Flu thing, who knew ?!?! Thanks for schooling me up!" ... "Did I say I wanted it in 6mmARC ?". ... "No 6mmArc ? I heard you guys were slow to innovate and that's proof right there. Let me know when you catch up with your competition Mr. Slowpoke." 8 likes
  -  dirkdigglern95 @laruetactical You need some range therapy.
  -  hadaway18 @laruetactical fair enough. I've sent a couple emails through the website and haven't heard back.
  -  dirkdigglern95 We can send in our shetay non larue gear and you can poke holes 🕳 in it at vast distances. That would set things right and let us read up on our Army calvary horse 🐎 care guide while waiting on 📦!
  -  laruetactical @dirkdigglern95 ... "Army Calvary Horse Care Guide" ... LOL, great description 🐎
edterrazas76 Y 1 like
eadie.steve Based on looks and local there is a high probability of being a matched set.
aaron_telander Would "GTG" mean "good to go" under order status? Or am I imagining what I want to see
  -  aaron_telander @just_have_commonsense good to know, I ordered about that time also
trevorreust Never been an elk hunter....thanks indiana...but that seems to be an elk worth finding this fall
tn1822 That's a pair, mark. Keen 👁
bcarley204 Yes, moving cows in Wyoming?
  -  laruetactical @bcarley204 ... Yep, speaking of cows, my calves (on my legs) fared pretty well for having not ridden in a while. Good thing Tuck's not a monster. 🐎