... Everyone has a virtual cornucopia of buffer-tube-ready stocks these days, giving them a plethora of stock options :-) ML
636 likesphysh101srt Like but but I like a more vertical grip
  -  laruetactical @physh101srt ... Hacksaw off the back of the grip, then Flexglue it to the front ;-) 9 likes
  -  physh101srt @laruetactical now that you said that you know some dumb ass will try to do that and make a YouTube video of it 😂
wolfsprairieoutdoors Awesome 👍😎 How long until the release of that bad boy? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @wolfsprairieoutdoors ... Dammit, just had a long reply ready to post and a text popped up and my long reply went *poof* 4 likes
  -  wolfsprairieoutdoors @laruetactical 🤣👍 gotta love when that happens! I think that means I'm the lucky winner that gets to do some testing on my YouTube channel 😉 Hey, I can dream, can't I? Lol
  -  laruetactical @wolfsprairieoutdoors ... Let's take another shot at it ... The launch plan is to draw the Siete winners from each of the five (5) Nolo dillo runs Monday thru Friday next week (some will recall I promised a chance to win a Siete for each of the Nolo runs). 8 likes
  -  wolfsprairieoutdoors @laruetactical sounds good 👍
  -  laruetactical @wolfsprairieoutdoors ... We'll continue gathering Siete cost numbers next week, things such as raw material cost, cycle times / CNC work center costs ... everything we know that takes doin' to make a Siete. Then we'll sit back and say "nice" ... or "Oh f*ck !". And then we'll come up with a price point that best represents our "Affordable Overkill" (TM) mission statement. ML 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @wolfsprairieoutdoors Then next week, if we didn't all commit simultaneous HariKari (?), we'll throw the Siete up on the website and start taking orders with the plan of building/shipping 10 per day, 5 days per week. ML 8 likes
  -  wolfsprairieoutdoors @laruetactical awesome. Definitely looks like a solid product 👍 1 like
  -  thiswildadventure @laruetactical don't forget the promise you made in writing to your #LaRueTranQuilo owners on Page 3 of the Summer 2018 Accuracy Report: "Work is continuing on our bolt action - - - > If you bought one of our Tranquilo suppressors, stay tuned. I'm gonna make something special that a TranQuilo "Tran - Keelo" will be perfect for and you get first dibs on it."
  -  laruetactical @thiswildadventure ... Roger that, and thanks for the reminder. ML 7 likes
  -  esqphoto @laruetactical - That's awesome. I've got 2 chances and whatever comes the TranQuilo route. Looking forward to seeing the offering crash the internet!!
tikitembo Needs and LT733 POD. But that's just my opinion @laruetactical
kevinmichael_67 Options are a good thing.
josh_8ell Long action as well?
  -  laruetactical @josh_8ell ... Yes, eventually, as I want one in 6.5-270, a Warren Page favorite ... ML 3 likes
  -  josh_8ell @laruetactical Awesome. Thank you sir.
  -  weefreeirish @laruetactical would that also cover .30-06 Springfield?
  -  the_damo_257 @laruetactical, A Warren Page shout out probably means you will@have all of my money from here on out. God speed.
dopeosaurus_actual Any chance at .223?
trapshootb HEY JUST WANTED YOU TO SAY GREAT Great Job On Marketing The Next New Hot Must Have Rifle 👍🔥💪😱
danielbeckman7282 Will TranQuilo owners still get first dibs? 1 like
redoak.sooner Will they be available as barreled actions as well?
timmy_tomahawk This is a super feature