... "Science" is in the news. Remember when "the science" told us eggs for breakfast was the devil ? Now it's looking like it was the carbs, sugar, and dairy from the cereal aisle. Guess which part of the food pyramid had the best "scientists" ? Anyhow, here of late, we're getting pressured by a "Scientist" to take the word of more "scientists" ... ca•ve•at emp•tor
/,kave,at 'em(p),tor/
caveat emptor is the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made.
520 likestreegats96 Science is what got humanity where it is today, it is the constant struggle for truth. "Science is unique in that it does base itself upon evidence rather than upon superstition, upon authority, upon holy books or upon revelation." -Dawkins 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @treegats96 ... Just to be safe, you should go get two "science" injections 1 like
  -  treegats96 @laruetactical lol what a reply 👏🏻 you probably believe the earth is flat as well and that it is the center of the universe. Science created the gun and parts that you now manufacture. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @treegats96 ... Like the throngs just like you, you have turned science into today's "flat earth society". 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @treegats96 ... And on my IG page, fools are not suffered for long, so gauge your next post wisely. But I'm gonna go ahead and guess you can't control yourself. 5 likes
  -  gaswamper @treegats96 so what you're saying is that the shot doesn't work since the evidence shows that it doesn't keep you from getting the disease, doesn't keep you from spreading, and you can still die with it. 1 like
salerno1263 Amen and I don't trust the quality or suitability
brian_landgraf The only science experiment where we actively ignore an entire control group 2 likes
yeah_trout_that Oh you mean the ability to make sound decisions without external pressure. Half of America doesn't want that as they are scared of freedom. They need to be told how to be healthy and safe. 4 likes
ks_maddics_kc Coming from the sciences I can confirm there is not only massive corruption but a metricfuckton of errors. Pay for play, blackmailing, sheepdipping, ego driven bias, lack of repeatability (an enormous issue),lack of understanding of numerical methods and the coding libraries used, etc. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @ks_maddics_kc .. Holy hell !! I could've done without being told that. 😳😳 2 likes
  -  ks_maddics_kc @laruetactical yeah... its pretty messed up. I went into physics and aerospace only to come out saddened by $cience in many ways. Then I got into the data side and was even more disappointed lol.
desperado1126 Science would be great if the scientist actually showed the TRUE science behind what they are saying. Just because Fuccy says it, doesn't make it so. When sheep are lead they never ask questions! 2 likes
  -  lpgbsg @desperado1126 sheep or lemmings?
  -  desperado1126 @lpgbsg
It would be great if they were lemmings. It wouldn't take long for them all to kill themselves.
billsnearly The science that clearly tells us there are but two genders? Yes, there are rare exceptions like Kleinfelter syndrome. But you can't just randomly decide for yourself. 2 likes