... Converted to 20" 6.5 CM rifle that shoots 1/2" at 100 with Hornady 140ELD - ML
1,099 likeshowzithowzit 😍 1 like
justushunts I want one or 3 1 like
svt_franco_r1 Got a rough price yet? 2 likes
  -  limeswire @svt_franco all of it! lol
g_tobias87 Price for that 2 likes
bb4194 Looks awesome! 1 like
simmonzz When's it gonna be available for sale 3 likes
  -  simmonzz Earth to M? Got a price range and rough eta?
apex99 Beautiful
kevinmichael_67 Hw quick/easy is the barrel swap process?
clarkejones90 @rmreese92 best you can buy. 2 likes
harrystetser How do the barrels interchange 3 likes
ccmac_osu Needs QD sockets
_david_714_james_ Wow, starting a savings account today!!!
timmy_tomahawk Nice work ML and MF
trapshootb Dam.. it. MAN. WHEN AND HOW MUCH.....🙏🙏💕🤷 1 like
gunsandsharpthings Initially I wasn't in love with the lines of it, but now that I see the full package, it makes sense. Very nice.
trapshootb I want one Real Bad ML......😱
saylor #iputitonlayaway
topshotdustin Verified Sweet. 1 like
boardie101 @__goot__ 1 like
  -  __goot__ @boardie101 😍
tmeurlin Sweet setup. Question @laruetactical ... Wasn't the siete billed as a wood bolt gun originally? 1 like
roaming_91 Any chance we will see the predatOBR in 6.5 anytime soon?
ampitts42 Are you doing any fluted? @laruetactical
collinthomp @aogrady22 looks like he's finishing up 1 like
mc_baca @lukepiazza80
  -  lukepiazza80 @mc_baca yes!!👍🏽🔥
j_frank24_ That's my huckleberry. 3 likes
djrppvt 🔥
kevinmichael_67 I like it. 👍 1 like
josh_8ell Will long action be an option? 3 likes
mg_el Absolutely gorgeous 1 like
matt131415 @ricochettactical