Had someone told me I would be walking away with the AR aftermarket trigger market, I would've laughed. Yet .... Poll MOE +/- 3 % ... ML #larue #laruetactical #larueMBT #laruetrigger #precisionrifle
391 likeschristiangrest Love my LaRue MBTs!!!! Need a few more. 1 like
duqjeep2010 I like the break on my SSA-E more but not $100+ more. I do think the design and qhality of the MBT is superior as well. 1 like
chaofahmong After shaving the sides down and smoothing them on my MBT, it is absolutely perfect. 1 like
gospencer1 @laruetactical when can we buy a MBT with flat/ straight trigger? 3 likes
jtgiangola @ed_miner
johnathanfugita The price point is what does it for me 1 like
johnathanfugita The price point is what does it for me 1 like
jakewirtz I love my MBT! Best value trigger out there! I can put in three MBTs for the price of a single geiselle trigger. I'd love to see a trigger with a 2 pound first state and a 1.5 second stage! Cheers! 1 like
kasen05 I have an MBT and i love it!!
leeengland Definitely need one with a single stage.
akscott60 I really like the hybrid-bow face of the MBT. Its wide and flat, and has great feel. I have 8 of them now.
josh_goes_pewpew Ive got 2 of em. Still need to take advantage of the $87 sale.
mac_daddy62 👍
shqype_ I've got several MBTs. The thing that would make me buy more is if they came with a flat version. 1 like
shadow2__ MBT is the Best bang for the money! 🔥 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @shadow2__ Someone brought up to me that a few other trigger makers have got caught in the crossfire of The Great Trigger War ... oops, collateral damage. ML
_blake_barnett 46 votes and you're walking away with the AR aftermarket trigger market 😂😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @waylon_kennedy You make me grin. By this time next year, there will likely be 100,000 MBTs in the wild ... on a runaway train. ML 2 likes
  -  _blake_barnett @laruetactical and I see more Honda civics than Mercedes on a daily basis. The MBT is a good trigger for the price.. the market has been a extreme need for a mid range trigger for some while.
  -  laruetactical @waylon_kennedy Ha, whatever. Mark my word, the days of the high-priced cast triggers are numbered. ML 2 likes
quinton_wise Installed mines today. Thanks for the quality product. How much for an armadillo opener? @laruetactical 1 like
  -  hkhombre @quinton_wise Usually free with an order
  -  quinton_wise @hkhombre didn't get one with my order 🤷🏿
dropoutgts Sold my G2S for your MBT. Best mod ever on my ar15 💪💪
baseline_train Selling my ssa-e and sd3g...picking up one of these 🤷 save money better performance
sgtmurf Your screenshot led me to the poll. Had to add my 2 cents -- MBT for me. You're now @ 70.31 vs 29.69 now. Congrats!
mckeonekert You are on 🔥
jflinders21 I don't think it's the best bang for your buck. If they were the same price, I'd still by the LaRue trigger. It's just a better trigger!
frisco_rps13 I'm buying another for myself tomorrow, and most likely getting a few as Christmas gifts for some friends.
summit_915 I loved CMC trig's then I got an MBT love both
ketema77 I got all mine before this sale. Irritating. But they are great triggers. For the sale price it's no wonder people are snapping them up
barnegat16 I have both. I love the MBT
johnnybananas2525 I am not sure if the MBT is the best trigger out there......but the 3 I installed in my rifles are fantastic!!😂
joe.numbers Any plans for a flat trigger @laruetactical ? 3 likes
chrisbntx MBT is an awesome trigger, and that Dillo dust is killer. 👌us
mikenotgonnagetit All of my personal rifle tunes MBT triggers. I am a huge LaRue fan
wwcrashww You also get a sweet combat mil spec paint mixer bucket attachment, and some sugary Dillo dust to rub into wounds. Geissele is a top tier trigger, but if it's out of your budget the MBT is a nice upgrade from the run of the mill milspec LPK triggers 1 like
  -  laruetactical @wwcrashww And your IG says you're a professional airsofter. 33 likes
  -  furious_styles11 @laruetactical 😂😂😂 4 likes
  -  cerberus_n_scott @laruetactical got'em 4 likes
  -  mkivbb @laruetactical I've got a JP, a Timney, a Geissele, and 2 MBT's. The LaRues are by far my favorite, followed by the JP. And I shoot real guns. A lot. 😎 2 likes
  -  robertgonzalez57 @laruetactical lol, but milsim is like being in combat right??? 😂 keep up the great work ML! Larueftw 2 likes
  -  wwcrashww @laruetactical I get it, jokes are hard sometimes. It's all in good natured fun. Unless you're serious all the time.
  -  hickspanic95 @laruetactical ooooooh got'eem🤣🤣🤣🤣 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @wwcrashww You talk in modified parables, lightly dusted with simulated irony. ML 6 likes
  -  wwcrashww @laruetactical you mean lightly dusted with Dillo dust. Dillo dust is nothing but sugar with 4 other basic spices, changemymind.jpeg
  -  j.scott.z @wwcrashww don't gloat about freebies. Not all of us are lucky enough to recieve them. I got my trigger and a sticker. Lol and it's the best trigger on the market, in price and performance. @laruetactical why you no love me?? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @wwcrashww Spice stuff has spice stuff in it ... noted. ML 7 likes
  -  wwcrashww @laruetactical while you're at it, also note that a selective poll done on dogbark.com by a bunch of cave dwelling keyboard commandos doesn't necessarily mean you have "walked away with the AR aftermarket trigger market". 1 like
  -  laruetactical @wwcrashww LOL, tell us how you really feel. :-) 2 likes
  -  lcoates33 @wwcrashww dogbark.com... 🤣🤣 1 like
hostile_eliminated If the MBT was single stage it would we all I used
jason_squatch I really like the MBT trigger 2 likes
jameshull71 100% agree with this.
danhaaf @armorup.us 😱 dude what's going on here? lol jk 1 like
jaredinoz Bought one G trigger while back. Then the AR world was graced with a good 2-stage trigger that isn't $300 dollars and doesn't resemble the GI single stage...... 5 MBT's later, I just keep buying them! 3 likes
duckhnt Had someone told you that you couldn't do it, you would have done it years ago. Congratulations, Mr. LaRue. 4 likes
ballisticbrad When are we getting flatty MBTs 😍 5 likes
  -  danhaaf @ex_mil_n_chill @laruetactical 🙌🏼 +1. Bring on the flats!!!
gunsandsharpthings I will say, with the lighter spring the reset on my MBT's is not as positive as I'd like, a little limp. Had to use the heavier spring. Great triggers though. 1 like
81tactical Hahaa! Get It! 🔥🔥🔥 ordering mine this weekend (payday week lol) Can't Wait😁 3 likes
tsuhobbs MBT
tsuhobbs I have both though.
joshaugh87 A buddy of mine has an MBT in his Larue AR and I've got Geisseles in my AR. To be honest it's like choosing between a McLaren and a Ferrari. Both of them are fantastic products 2 likes
devious_6 MBT for me.
dayhoffjr Love mine. Dad has one on his Valkyrie ar15
jricks21 46 votes represents the market... 4 likes
  -  cerberus_n_scott @jricks21 well the poll is on a website filled with tier 1 oper8ors. 😎 2 likes
the.toyota.guy I have one on the way (damn your $87 trigger sale) and am very much looking forward to see what the hype is about!! 1 like
mrbarnett556 I don't like anything I don't have to pay 3 times the price for the same performance. Keep your damn low priced/high performing trigger!😂😂😂😂😂