... You'd think a feller could come test some rifles without getting roped into having' to run cows down outta the mountains. Howling wind let us ride right up on that bedded down bull moose. It was what they called a 45/45 day. 45 degrees and 45 mile an hour wind. My hat blew off but my horse Tuck said "forget it mister, you almost pulled the saddle off gettin' on." ML
589 likeslkcrome Thinking larue tactical puts their hats on sale around Christmas if you can wait till then...😎
scottdonn1 You don't have cow dogs?? Hangin Tree Cow Dogs rule
  -  laruetactical @scottdonn1 ... Yes to cow dogs, they have Border Collies. The older one followed me, waiting for instructions, then gave up after he saw I wasn't cow dog bilingual. 2 likes
  -  rogersgunworks4 @laruetactical australian shepherds were the best cow dogs we had. Never had much luck with collies🤠 1 like
mistiso_kid Jealous 1 like
trapshootb DAMIT ..ML GOING HAVE TO BUY YOU A STAPLE GUN FOR CHRISTMAS ! That's how them Cowboys 🤠 Keep them on .......🔥👍
kodiak_precision That's all funny and maybe the moose thought so too.
apcapt Where's the lever action and smoke wagon? 1 like