... OctobARfest has started ... Check your LaRueMail 🧐 ML ... Update - 1st 1,000 gone in 5 hours ... early birds and all that. 2nd update - 2nd 1,000 triggers gone. Nightowls 🦉
1,320 likesmedrano_saul74 How do I get in that email list , sgmedrano@gmail.com
  -  laruetactical @medrano_saul74 ... See my Oct. 6th post 1 like
awilliams30808 Got one ordered 2 likes
rhodie333 best trigger on the market 👏 2 likes
hobbit0717 I need to check my email more often! 1 like
ja3robinson I need 3 triggers, stat! 1 like
howstupidthisis Flat face too??? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @howstupidthisis ... No, easier to leave setups alone and run 'em. 1 like
dustinstapp 1S soon??? 4 likes
  -  agoristalex @dustinstapp 1S all day long
jdg0707 If you haven't tried these triggers you are missing out. Larue should have these prices at $225.00. 1 like
  -  stevensarmiento6 @jdg0707 shhhhhhhhhh 6 likes
tyler_holdcraft Got mine!
pnw_fjc 🔥🔥 you go girl 👏👏👏
d_petrlak Ordered a few last night
jake_th3_reaper Just curious. You raise the price of the single stage but have they even been in stock in over a year?
enginearjohan How do I get signed up?
alexloveless Just ordered 3, not a better trigger for the price!
jth_ar15 Dillos
flieger 3 more our the door..hands down the best trigger I've shot 👍🏻
croakvan I've got more MBT-2S triggers than I have ARs at this point, but I'll be ordering a few more. :)
  -  croakvan @croakvan Triggers, that is.
jtwendel02 Please do a lower.
jth_ar15 This will be my fourth LaRue MBT trigger, just shipped today, thanks Mark! To hell with Big G
  -  laruetactical @jth_ar15 ... +4 1 like
  -  jth_ar15 @laruetactical wont be the last either, I was waiting for the Delos to come out this year before buying one but this works too
campo2009 Been using one for some time now in a work gun. Just ordered another. Great stuff!
brassbeard1776 Didn't know anything about these until yesterday. Was planning on grabbing a Geissele. Just placed an order for one of these, anxiously waiting to see what all this talk is about 🙌
tom_rakip My bank account is triggered by this
chip988 Seriously tho.... The MBT is an outstanding alternative to the g triggers.
stevensarmiento6 Ordered mine!I hope the price on the lower and the RAT stock lowers too!!!
magdumpmoravec @laruetactical I sent you a message then saw this post... can these triggers be used on an mp15-22?
  -  duckhnt @magdumpmoravec yes
  -  magdumpmoravec @duckhnt sweet. I have a spare geissele lying around and they said I couldn't use it in the 15 22. So didn't know if these were similar or not
  -  duckhnt @magdumpmoravec no worries man. There have been several threads about it and people haven't had any issues. Also, we aren't allowed to use the G word here. 😂 1 like
slack1776 Single stage going to be in stock any time soon? @laruetactical 1 like