... So, I'm working on our ShotShow booth layout. After seeing SIG bust a move, I deleted the coffee gals. The coffee gals are too big a draw and 6 foot spacing will put the line past the Luxor 🤷 My question is, and since it's in Vegas, what odds do y'all give for the ShotShow to cancel "in an abundance of caution" ? ML
1,222 likesjlcarid Maybe we should just move everything like this to states that are actually gun friendly... Like why not have it in Texas or Florida? 31 likes
theslimox People still care about covid? 30 likes
  -  pawpawlammy @theslimox when Vegas requires Vacs cards to get in yes.
  -  pawpawlammy @theslimox when Vegas requires Vacs cards to get in yes.
  -  nmg_outdoors @theslimox Not here in ky. No one gives a shit 😂 3 likes
ayyy0ta They canceled because it was too expensive to re-do their booths according to "regulations". 1 like
  -  laruetactical @ayyy0ta ... "Regulations" ? Please expound ... 2 likes
  -  ayyy0ta @laruetactical they changed up the booth sizes etc. and Sig didn't want to deal with the costs and likely low turnouts.
preston2986 Man, when I was there ten years ago your line was insane. I can only imagine how it is now. Wish I had time to stop by! 3 likes
  -  jossege @preston2986 everyone wants that exclusive Dillo 😅 2 likes
  -  preston2986 @jossege that's no joke
bigwalle6721 Just ridiculous for a 99% survival rate. 10 likes
a_brown603 Why have they not moved shot to somewhere more gun friendly? Texas or something like Miami, FL sound like good options 32 likes
  -  yaheardme42 @fearthebeard603 because Vegas is big money and people like to party. I've been to shot several times working for LaRue competition and it's all about the parties lol 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @guisseppemw ... That's because California tourists were allowed in on droves. 4 likes
  -  middlefingernation @laruetactical but californias are anti gunners...bring that shit to texas and louisiana...the numbers wont change..will probably go up...
  -  legionpreparedness @yaheardme42 so in other words, it's not about firearms 🤔 1 like
  -  yaheardme42 @legionpreparedness lol it has nothing to do with firearms. Vegas won't turn it away because it brings the city so much money for the hotels, restaurants and surrounding businesses. Anything goes in Vegas. 100%
  -  laruetactical @middlefingernation ... If the military jerks the SF's hall passes, we lose the reason to be there. 6 likes
  -  daschiff90 @fearthebeard603 At 1 time it was in Dallas every other year. Been to the Dallas show 3 times and Vegas once and I'll take Texas over Vegas anytime. 1 like
carolinalaserworks 3-1 that they axe it. 8 likes
  -  yerrowg @carolinalaserworks ask it what? 3 likes
ghostmarmot Coffee gals? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @ghostmarmot ... Yes, one of them @mskategordon is a world-class, next-level soprano. Go watch her 9/13/2019 post. She's in Alaska's Whittier Tunnel. 💪 4 likes
  -  mskategordon @laruetactical awwww thanks for the love! Miss you 🧡
scribner_shawn Move it to Phoenix 3 likes
outlaw_customs_wi Still waiting on that email, but bet money they'll wait until 2weeks out like the NRA did... 2 likes
  -  btr.sometimes.vh @outlaw_customs_wi After nonrefundable hotel rooms and flights are booked, no doubt.
p33zytv Move it to Texas! 2 likes
kngarthr8219 Move it to TEXAS 2 likes
3ggunsllc I think we will see more dropping 2 likes
ronintactical_llc More will drop until they have something huge to unveil 2 likes
caswellknives Bet Sig's decision is more about complying with administration policy decisions to in order to protect huge govt. contracts than it does concerns about COVID🤔 I know I'd be thinking that if I was them. 2 likes
  -  perez2021juan @caswellknives hmm, hadn't considered that. Good eye
thrillgrissom Writing is on the wall. New location needed for 2023. 3 likes
redoak.sooner Or did they drop out because "Why not? We've swindled our way into every conceivable US.gov contract?!" 3 likes
shadow_bear2 People still doing the 6ft social distancing thing? People actually ever started doing the 6ft social distancing thing? Lol 2 likes
lawtactical SEMA show is happening in Nov, CE show is happening in Jan, World of Concrete show is happening in Jan after Shot. All in Vegas with only mandatory masks at conventions. 4 likes
  -  btr.sometimes.vh @lawtactical Once Glock pulls out, they'll probably yank the whole show again. Despite that, not everyone likes or owns a Glock or Sig 1 like
  -  lawtactical @btr.sometimes.vh that's a lot of money for the NSSF and the LV businesses to loose for the second year in a row. 3 likes
  -  joeboboutfitters @lawtactical for now.... 2 likes
  -  btr.sometimes.vh @lawtactical No doubt, we had already sent cargo to Dallas, when NRA pulled the plug, lost a good chunk of change, when adding in hotel/flight tickets. 1 like
rodstump And thoughts on moving it to Chicago? You know go where the demand is? 😂🤣😂 1 like
hashtagjohnc Conferences keep Vegas going. Just got back from a conference, they won't cancel. 1 like
tradescantia_virginiana What a bunch a bull shot... they must not like money if that's the case.. 1 like
bezatesn Just went to fabtech in Chicago mid sept. Much smaller show but still happened! Lotta vendors did pull out last minute though, I'd I had to guess it was about 60% the size of normal 1 like
g_walker9 Idk sema is still a go 1 like
legionpreparedness Meanwhile concerts are being held with 10,000 - 20,000 in attendance (sans masks) 2 likes
modedetroit Is there money involved? Because Vegas only cares about $$$ 1 like
will_r_dean Normally, I would say relocate it anywhere in the Southeast. However, when the NRA had their annual shindig in Atlanta several years ago, it received no local publicity here. So maybe Dallas or other city with a big airport hub? 1 like
ericedwarddesigns Being someone from Vegas, I doubt they will cancel the joint its being held at will make it worthwhile to stay. 1 like
shady_teach I'm a LV local. Sadly the government here is killing our economy. But we need and want shot show. 2 likes
ndifilipp Clearly @sigsauerusa hasn't seen the super spreader events like college football games....oh wait. Blaming covid is getting to be a lazy excuse 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @ndifilipp ... Guess you haven't seen Team 🧡O'Biden coming down your street with needles dripping 😳
mayorofriverbluffrd I will be surprised if SHOT is held this year. 1 like
2_dogs_sb 3-1 odd it's cancelled "due to an abundance of caution ". 1 like
day_light_bright Bring that shit to Florida. They are actually using common sense and rational thought over there. 3 likes
qoreperformance Ideal outcome: relocate to pro-freedom Florida. Less ideal but still good outcome: cancel completely so we can all focus on smaller events with higher quality customer time away from communist municipalities. #LetFreedomRing us 35 likes
  -  spiritussystems @qoreperformance Maybe we will just host a show down here in NC? 11 likes
  -  qoreperformance @spiritussystems Absolutely. We're down to help/partner/etc. 4 likes
  -  berserker_huey @spiritussystems alright or hear me out...get all the big players together and put on a show in coeur d Alene Idaho 1 like
  -  qoreperformance @berserker_huey We have a few @qoreperformance_safety customers in CDA, so we'd be down for sure👊🏻 1 like
  -  gearrunner @qoreperformance I'd go if it was in Florida 👍 1 like
volpe_1564 If one more bigger name backs out I think is a good chance it's gonna be cancelled. I'm not excited to pay a lot of money for the week to be as "anti social" as possible. 1 like
heyyy_ryan Does shot show have to be in Vegas? Do they not have convention centers in Florida, Idaho, etc. 1 like
mike_del89 Better question, why isnt shot show in places like Texas or New Hampshire? 1 like
stevo361hunt Why not just get everyone together and have a thursday-sunday event here in Texas 🤷
  -  perez2021juan @stevo361hunt yeah it's about the money. Sig prob pulled bc they're making money hand over fist and prob gain nothing by going, other than writing YUGE checks. I sure hipe it is held. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @perez2021juan ... There is a well known thing about the ShotShow called "The ShotShow Flu" ... Maybe it's the late January tins frame, when attendees slog out of the snows of their hometowns and make their way to the Vegas petri dish. 5 likes
nsraich3 Do shot show in Tennessee or Florida! 1 like
icecoldmn How the hell are they going to have 6' spacing at shot? It gets crazy busy. I was thinking of going but masks and spacing nobody will ever get in. Free booze to fight off the germs would work better 😂 1 like
counted_worthy @laruetactical ShotShow should definitely move to a different state. Florida, or any other Red states would be better than that liberal cesspool Las Vegas 2 likes
day_light_bright CUCKS 3 likes
brian_landgraf It's pretty bad when you have to worry about a show being potentially shut down in Vegas. People need to suck it up, accept that we're going to be living with this long term and move on with their lives. This bubble boy mentality isn't getting it done. 7 likes
mjkilfoyle They will cancel. Just like NRA did last minute this year. I get it, but come on! If we listen to Fauci, the sky falling variant will be next! 3 likes
chad_c_peplinski Don't expect it to happen
itsbillking 🤦
bradbendy I was just there this week for a conference and once you got pass the area that required badges as a expo participant it was like nothing was going on, next to no one had masks on. Behind closed doors as is well 1 like
vincent.dustin Move to Phoenix.
burlster24 Move the damn show to TX!!
shorebillybruce Highly likely
allopez84 Weak sauce !
robby.baldridge Odds are pretty good for a cancellation after NRA canceled out of a free state.
clintkincannon They should just have it in Orlando.
babdds I'd volunteer my house in Az if you need a new venue.....
tsuhobbs 33%
tubefitter61 No way. Vegas needs the money.
thelav74 Should move it to Texas, Florida, SD or Montana.
crxbret I was at the vision show a couple weeks ago. It was fine
deputydick I got my favorite bottle opener from one of the coffee gals 🙌
ookio222 Time to relocate shot show. Nevada is behind enemy lines. 3 likes
ematthew2 Sounds like you should start a new shot show in Texas...
jacenhunt Shot Show in Tennessee!!
john_rcflex Covid.....riiiigghht🙄
c.medvetz If Vegas is anti A2 move shot show to Florida
dramworx I doubt it. There have been several shows recently and SEMA looks to be a go next month.
mdrumscarter In the music industry our show has been canceled twice and now moved from January 2022 to June...
kevinmichael_67 5-1 it's done
dark_horse_tactical_llc This has nothing to do with Vegas being being "anti-gun" and everything to do with the jackass Governor 🤷 1 like
eddiepoindexter @laruetactical Orange County Convention Center in Orlando! It should bring everyone. The PRI trade show had some of its best numbers ever in Orlando. We go to the show, family does Disney.
alpha_phil15 SIG: "Who needs SHOT Show when we have Generals on the payroll?"
catamount_1991 Forget about it...
myguncatalog Just expect to wear a face diaper
arrowheadrifles Hard pass for me if there's a mask requirement.
sirgoyle19 Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want to spend millions to prepare for a show that can get yanked on a whims notice by the likes of Brandon?
drlaffingas @laruetactical ML, shouldn't you be asking the Vegas odds makers that question?
elrodstallard they just held the boardroom show in San Diego for crying out loud and the only people wearing masks were the guys shaping boards surrounded by dust 2 likes
  -  laruetactical ... Surfers are young whippersnappers 1 like
  -  elrodstallard @laruetactical all the young ones were surfing and not at board show
btr.sometimes.vh It'll be just like the NRA, it's the big shot vendors, that will dictate the show. Mind you, SEMA will probably go forward.
7desert0nomad2 Sounds like sig is skerd of covid.
oslowe_monk Stopped going 10yrs ago, best decision we made as a business. Major manufacturers got to hard to deal with, and any of our distributors were always a call / click away. Have not missed it one bit, they cater way to much to "media" "influencers" vs the people trying to drop 6 figures on a order
dantakesthejet If Shot cancels, Someone needs to step up and message all the Shot Show vendors, change one letter, and have the Shit Show. Same place, same people.
usmcgunnz Why not do shot show in gun friendly state?!?🤔
cardwell_88 I just went to an expo in vegas for buisness and while it was much smaller than normal they are trying to get expos back in there. To be honest the only people in the expo area wearing masks were people who wanted to. 3 likes
tactical_66 Just another way to shut people down
badwolftactical Who would win, your plane or a piper Comanche 260? There's your answer 😂. In all seriousness, shot show will most likely cancel because other venues have. Lock that final answer in 😉
brent2888 Funny, you guys call it the "Shot Show Flu", we call it the Sema Flu. We are going to show at Sema this year, but I bet the show is way down in attendance. No one has products to sell, and people don't want to wear masks the whole time. I guess we'll find out how many people will send a booth model with a card table to represent them. 😂
haussjr @laruetactical I've been doing trade shows since July including Vegas. They won't cancel the trade shows but they may have companies drop out. They are hurting out there and even if it's a little revenue it is better than the zero they got in 2020 and first half of 2021.
fdmarshal @laruetactical honestly I think your products speak for themselves. Going to shot is just a cost. Anyone in the gun game knows who you are, if they don't they will as soon as they buy their first mass produced AR and get on one forum and search it.
bowtechman1az Yeah, in Nevada they are still selling fear and hysteria
hellrieger Waste of time to begin with
gunslut223 They better not puss out again this year.
avalonriflewerx 50/50
flatsquatch Move it back to Orlando. F*ck Vegas
chuckharris1836 A family very close to me...all vaccinated last year with boosters, all went on a trip. All of them are sick now. Not covid but are going to be tested for flu and strep. I say their immune system was destroyed by the vax 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @chuckharris1836 ... Holy Hell !! 😳😳😳 2 likes
  -  chuckharris1836 @laruetactical hope I'm wrong,I love one of them dearly
  -  dabean4 @chuckharris1836 the vax compromises the immune system? Thats a new one for me..
  -  laruetactical @dabean4 ... Nothing about that untested jizz surprises me 🤷 1 like
  -  dabean4 @laruetactical roger that. I'm vax'd & got a cold recently, but I didn't blame the vax for the cold that I got during cold/flu season.
  -  chuckharris1836 @dabean4 we aren't worried about colds and runny noses. I'll go so far as to say they cause blood clots and strokes along with an inability to fight off variants of Cov. But who would know? The millions of guinea pigs haven't had enough time to determine the long term effects of an untested injection of graphene,chemicals and aborted fetal kidney cells.
bmenzel25 Sigs are absolute trash anyway. Hated my DAK. 2 likes
  -  jossege @bmenzel25 "DAK" well there's your problem...
    bmenzel25 @jossege Seals and multiple police issued it. Now they have tons of QC issues. Not sure what problem you mean? They're all trash.
  -  jossege @bmenzel25 that is my point. The DAK trigger was trash. There are much better Sigs out there.
  -  bmenzel25 @jossege The ones that go off when you put them down 😂. Get outta here
nashwulfen Noooo
spoonmann8 COVID, my ass.
march_4_freedom Sad that people are afraid to live!
metallicasma Lol, C0\/!D is so fake though. Sig employees probably don't feel a thing who tested positive 😂
surfinnh I think as i live in nh i speak for a ton of patriots. Fuck sig the only reason there playing that game is there big cobtract.. There a horible company they treat there people very baddly and there just shils of this fraud. And pieces of shit. I drive right on by them every single day. Fuck sig stand with traitors and thats what you become.. Thats what they are...
pugntug Pussies.
whiskey.savage I'm going no matter what. Worst case - everyone can just join me for a big party and skip all the walking and small talk and bullshit. #holla
my_old_kentucky_homeboy They should just move it to TX where's it's centrally located and friendlier for the community
  -  laruetactical @my_old_kentucky_homeboy ... The thing is, gun store owners just came off their annual Christmas rush. Business drops like a rock in January, and they want to leave snow country for a fun-filled getaway = Vegas 2 likes
saxonmark76 Bring it back to florida
usgeneral25 I wrote an article about this, I think they will cancel it completely or in practice through rules and regs
  -  laruetactical @usgeneral25 ... Ugh 1 like
  -  usgeneral25 @laruetactical I know, it's where I met you many many years ago as a fresh faced 20yr old working for surefire
paytpowell Eh, I am flying out to Vegas in a few days for a conference in my industry. They are down by about 20% in exhibitors which is better than another conference I went to in August which was down by 66%. I expect overall attendance to essentially be down between 10-20% at most in-person conferences for the next 18 months.
moderndebauchery I live here in Vegas. I doubt the city will push for a cancellation. They are trying to get as many people here as possible as everyone is still trying to recover from last years closure. The cities mayor is not on board with our Governors mandates. If it was up to her we'd be fully open with no restrictions.
chunkyhrvatski I still think SHOT is cool, and we're always see your crew to our there Mark! You're a great guy for the industry. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @chunkyhrvatski ... Aw shucks, I'm just a hillbilly that won a spelling bee or two. 2 likes
soopr38 Screw Las Vegas, ShotShow should be moved to Texes or Florida.
advancedshootinganalytics I'm pretty done with it
will_dissent 100% ... it needs to move to Ft. Worth , just like NFR did last yr. 1 like