... Was any of this audience on "The BuildAR's List" ? Asking for a friend ... 😎
365 likesstevenmcclay6921 I still am!?! 4 likes
csolstice032018 Yes Sir. It was the best club ever. 4 likes
cpl0313 Yep. Bought every offering. 3 likes
csolstice032018 And thank you for every offer and shipment. 3 likes
duckhnt If you know.... You know. If you have to ask, you don't know. 2 likes
jivesturkey All the way to the end. 1 like
ttyner1212 I wished I was! 1 like
anatidaehntr2 Yes, took advantage of every offer. Great stuff, Thank You. 👏 1 like
vincebarnett Had my emails on alert so I'd never miss one. 1 like
kingjason145 Where have you been???? 1 like
rmstefko Just helped a coworker assemble 2 556 upper kits this evening. Can't remember who makes the thread protectors for the tranquilo break. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @rmstefko ... The thread protector is called "A TranQuilo"
  -  ewdeters let's get some of those thread protectors pumping👏👏. Think of those poor unprotected threads.
nuerosis19 It was a good run! 1 like
ewdeters Make BuildAR awesome again. 1 like
perez2021juan What is this BuildAR list you speak of? 1 like
tacticalnguyen I was on the list. 1 like
_esstac Yeah, I regret Falling off of the last 😢
c2d2311 Indeed
connelldad Sadly, I missed out. 😔
redoak.sooner Why helll yeah!
ruizdc5 I'm a little late, but I'm "still on the list." I bought every offer
icecoldmn Yep it was a great ride while it lasted 😢
j_frank24_ I was initially.
kstrickland80 Yep
realmda13 Yes sir! 🧡
jeremaster I would like to be
josh.macintyre Always wanted to be on that list. I remember those guys getting the dibs on some Reardon oxide 300blk uppers.
  -  maples14 @josh.macintyre it was caliber of choice I have a 20" and 16" 556 Reardon oxide upper 1 like
bruw27 still on...
ufgators68 I was.
tomlabarre84 I'm not on the list get me on it!!
collins9678 Yes Sir
brentwallisch I was for a while
m4colt223 I was-am?
redoak.sooner Been there done that got the ball cap!
harubindanny I was, for the first year.
rmoss30 🖐🏻. Still have some money left on the gift cards.
michael_s.kline I was on the BuildAR List for 5 or 6 quarters 😁
blue06lj Yes sir, still hanging on
riddleofsteel81 BuildAR? From the coneheads?
fanorwood I was! Let's do it again!
matta2662 I was until the end. Thank you
ky_gearhead No idea what that is.
enginearjohan No, but would like to be, I think?
m4colt223 Yes Loved it
whatarewedo1ng Yea but life kicked me off of it. Got some cool stuff on it though.
kameronallison I used to drool over those on the list
alew70 Yes - every qtr offering and loved it!
kyokevin85 Missed your accuracy special 5.56 upper really hoping you bring those back as I just got my larue lower in
flyby1971 No, but am on the UU list. Patiently waiting
hhhharlow I certainly wish I was. I've been waiting on another chance for years
mrhaaaaas Why yes, yes I am. 👏
chris.plotz Was, almost till the last.
ragus5333 Was and hopefully still am :-)
wtsmith3159 Sorry for the late reply but yes I was in the BuildAR program
blindjustice1973 Yes sir love my reardon oxide SBR
holderbox I'm still waiting for the 14th Quarter email!
rmstefko Yup. Still holding out for a tOBR upper offering.
brackeen22 Yes sir I've got a real nice 12" SBR built from it.
briarbfirearms Yep. Sure was. Wish I hadn't sold that reardon oxide set. I miss it if you feel like kickin some out.
akethan762 In for the next offering
tom_rakip I never made it to the club @laruetactical 😢
ahaley1775 It was a great run. I appreciated every offer that came up. Still have a few GC.
theahdub Once upon a time. Got a pretty nice build in RO out of it and put the old UDE CTR on.
maples14 I was a buildar member till the end! Still have one gift card I need to.redeem but dont want to clog up the phone li es checking balances.
medic.wv Nope, sorry, missed it. I think I was building a 12.3 at the time. 😉
emilio_3511 On till the end. Still wordering what the big surprise was for those that stayed till the end.
bcarley204 I've got a bunch of BuildAR stuff from guys that let go of it on the EE
thirtythree_three @laruetactical Trick Question. Post #8 makes it clear that the first rule about the list is to not talk about the list 😎. 1 like
shqype_ Yes and been waiting years for an official BuildAR update @laruetactical