And to think, Daniel Boone died having never bore sighted a rifle. It would take 3 pages to describe all the LaRue win on this pic's FDE rifle (middle). ML #larue #laruetactical #gunsofinstagram #precisionrifles
1,108 likesthiswildadventure Where is this hanging?
  -  laruetactical @thiswildadventure Google "Harris, L3 Technologies Announce Merger Plan" 6 likes
  -  whiskey__actual @laruetactical like the Microsoft of the defense world 👌 1 like
whatarewedo1ng So what is the synopsis?
mac_daddy62 I get rid of almost every rifle in my collection just for that one in the middle? I get rid of all of them except a couple are sentimental family
gunsandsharpthings About ready to sell my SCAR and buy a PredatOBR at this point I'm so fed up. 5 likes
  -  calebfuller8 @gunsandsharpthings what's wrong with the SCAR?
  -  gunsandsharpthings @calebfuller8 I'm having some excessive wear issues running a suppressor on my SCAR. Unacceptable.
  -  natetheocles @gunsandsharpthings I've had a tOBR with tranquilo for a couple years. My brother and a few friends went cheaper. Windham, aero, DD, ruger. We've done rigorous comparison and while I love my Larue, I'm the guy who put $7k into a gun that weighs more than everyone elses and is no more precise than some that cost half the price.
  -  whitefang721 @natetheocles Somehow I doubt it isn't a more consistent gun. I'd also trust it to be more reliable then the others since it was tested heavily by LT.
  -  natetheocles @operator_a_fk I knew the push back would follow. Just keeping it real man. I have my own range and put a lot of time and $$ into honest testing. My tobr has been put through the paces. It's a great gun. But I can knock it because I own one.
  -  whitefang721 @natetheocles I guess man, but none of those mentioned really comes close to the LaRue. DD has problems, Aero has had problems, Rugar SRs are well known for having problems. Your gun, your call I guess but I wouldn't be sweating it. It's a LaRue. Nothing to regret man.
  -  natetheocles @operator_a_fk To be honest, the greatest shortcoming of the tobr is that with glass, can, and 20rd mag lt weighs 15.2lbs. Carry that for 10-15 miles and you will hate that gun by the end of the day. I carried machine guns for 7 years and can tell you that it weighs as much as a SAW. 1 like
  -  whitefang721 @natetheocles That's why my 308 UU Kit is going to be running with a PredatAR barrel. I'm also not going to use the Tranquillo. Its a great can but 23oz is too much. 1 like
  -  natetheocles @operator_a_fk another note for the tranquilo: if you have a 16" you MUST load using powder that will generate a 100% burn rate. Otherwise, it will spit fire. I dont have that issue with my other cans. The reduced blowback feature is amazing though. 1 like
unkwn8vandals 🤤 1 like
kameronallison What is the homemade cheek riser? 2 likes
  -  chrazy_chris @kameronallison agree! I need something similar for my B5 sopmod
whitefang721 I see the LT can on there. Any plans to release the Corto? Flash hider and shorter/lighter LaRue suppressor would be sweet for scoot n shoot builds.
  -  thiswildadventure @operator_a_fk "Two Weeks" 1 like
  -  whitefang721 @thiswildadventure There's pictures of the Corto on Arfcom. Would have been nice to see it released. Mark has mentioned a possible flash hider as well 1 like
shadow2__ I'm not sure how to feel about this merger...I think it may hurt little companies bidding on the government contracts in the future...
  -  whitefang721 @shadow2__ Both of them are large tech companies that were both providing a lot of tech to the fed and private world. Not sure it'll change much.
johnnybananas2525 Some needs to explain to me what is going on on top of that rifle. Seems to be some things happening, i am not sophisticated enough to figure it out. 2 likes
  -  calebfuller8 @johnnybananas2525 5-25x scope with a laser on top. Not sure what kind but would like to know and a clip on nvg.
  -  overstreetandrew @johnnybananas2525 its a l3 storm rangefinder. pvs 24 lr in front
chaselheureux You spell larue like a girl
alexschooler8 PredatOBR? @laruetactical
mr_pineapple1 Communism is Dead. #KomitetGosudarstvennoyBezopasnosti
jameshull71 I love LaRue tactical products.
tacticalgear_review @laruetactical DM sent
gavltron ThT length is this rifle