... One of you guys and gals will be the first hunter to bag a buck with a Siete. Won't be me, as I'm leaving that honor to y'all. ML
670 likesphotogunic How do we get our name in that hat? 1 like
skipjack86 Me-me-me, por favor Senor Mark!! 🤗
i_am_the_fos You're more of a tease than my wife, Mark. 😂 1 like
josh.macintyre Got a buck hanging out in the back yard! Would love a Siete!😍 1 like
japheth_sims Yep- Im in the market for a new rifle. Right on time Mark! The Siete would look great next to my OBR!
kevinmichael_67 I'm not a hunter but I'd like to bag a Siete with my gift cards. 1 like
sjohnson879 🙋
holsterco_llc Please!us 🖤
wlcostello 11/15 Michigan opening day. 11/15 my birthday. 11/15 I'm 50. Boom. 2 likes
ethridgemd When will it finally be released? The season may come and go.
tyziksk8 I volunteer as tribute! 🙋 1 like
tackdriv3r Hope to win one in the NOLO raffle(s)... 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @tackdriv3r ... That's a prime idea !! ML 2 likes
  -  blue06lj @laruetactical I forgot about that I'll keep my fingers crossed.
jeromy001 Can't wait to get my hands on one! 1 like
thiswildadventure I have a 7-point buck in Liberty Hill that needs to be slain by a Siete.
stingareebrad Since I bought two of the first tranquilos, I'd love to have two of the first Sietes. Just sayin
i.dr.tod.i How do we get on the short list for product availability? What stock type (rem700?) will this drop into?
boardie101 @__goot__ fuck that Ruger Precision, this is what you need to start ur build, buy once, cry once 1 like
  -  __goot__ @boardie101 good point 😂
tateftc When?! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tateftc ... Inside of 2 weeks and not kidding. ML 3 likes
  -  tateftc @laruetactical how do I pre-order if that's an option?
stevenmcclay6921 I have bucks standing by in Asher Oklahoma and Maverick County Texas. Any one of them would be honored to take a round from the Siete!
bigbrassenergy Hey Mark, what calibers will be available?
zombiemonkey336 @laruetactical I'd love to take one on my next hunt as long as it's not on the AZ border. That area will be my FDE heavy every time because of the drug runners. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @zombiemonkey336 ... Coues Deer ?
  -  zombiemonkey336 @laruetactical Yes sir! Last year took one at around 340M while stalking the mountains with the FDE heavy and the Tranquilo. My father in law was shocked at how quiet that combo was.
storman_67 Looks beautiful
purtle84 @laruetactical Will these be proprietary, or will they fit other stocks and chassis??
limeswire So will these be modular units to change between 308 and 6.5 chanberings?
ccmac_osu This season? 3 likes