... A "problem" LaRue 18 inch 6.5 Grendel was sent back to us ... owner complaining about accuracy issues. Dunno 🤷 this 5-shot, 100 yard group with McCourt's 120 gr certainly bodes well 🎯 ML
1,144 likesjasonpegg Take it easy on the dude. Wife found out he spent 800 bucks on some "dumb gun thing" and made him return it. It was the only way. 🤣🤣🤣 31 likes
  -  laruetactical @jasonpegg ... Funny, maybe so 😳 15 likes
sebspeedcustoms That McCourt stuff is basically handloads tailored for LaRue barrels, is it not? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @sebspeedcustoms ... Production "handloads" ... he came recommended ... Using Bergers is a plus. 1 like
  -  sebspeedcustoms @laruetactical I wonder what it does with run-of-the-mill "peasant ammo" lol
  -  lmattaway @sebspeedcustoms shoots lights out. 😬 1 like
  -  kyles0uth @sebspeedcustoms I have 3 different grendels that have ballistics advantage barrels and they shoot amazing with any off the shelf ammo. Hornady black and sst shoots sub moa. With that being said I just recieved my larue upper yesterday and I have zero doubt it will be the most accurate grendel I have with any ammo.
lmattaway You need a new policy. Individuals who return rifles with suspected accuracy issues... picture of individual will be posted along with group on the Instagram page if it isn't the rifle 😂😂 36 likes
  -  laruetactical @lmattaway ... LOL, NO!! We're not doing that 😂 12 likes
  -  lmattaway @laruetactical both of my Larue rifles shoot better than I shoot. Can't say enough about them! 2 likes
  -  gunpaoderpanda @lmattaway sounds like a tactical gear company I've heard of before...I think they used to put them on YouTube and Facebook.
  -  lmattaway @gunpaoderpanda if I sent a rifle back complaining about accuracy... and I was the problem. I deserve the fallout 😂 3 likes
  -  gunpaoderpanda @lmattaway touche
  -  czychris137 @laruetactical "be a lot cooler if ya did" 😂
frenchdip2 That's a pretty nice problem to have. 2 likes
stillsaltyaf_ Send it back and say "Shooter error"😂 jk 2 likes
krisinpudding I'll take That "blem" 1 like
mikeb945 Frankly I would be embarrassed to send a rifle back to you, 99/100 you end up posting a pic like this. 3 likes
hackbarthmichael My 16 in MGU doesnt shoot ive tried 7 different match types. All average about 1.1-1.4 MOA. It happens.
  -  laruetactical @hackbarthmichael ... Send it back to me ... let me try it out. 8 likes
  -  jmhill_2469 @hackbarthmichael wonder how that is. I mean when ML proofs them and then you receive it it stops shooting sub moa? Scope dialed in? Shooter error? Makes one wonder lol 2 likes
  -  hackbarthmichael @jmhill_2469 the MGUs arent test fored prior to leaving. 1 like
  -  mr_sureiz @hackbarthmichael you running it in a lead sled?
  -  hackbarthmichael @mr_sureiz no. Thats unrealistic. 1 like
  -  lmattaway @hackbarthmichael bet your groups tighten if you put it in a sled or on a bench. Can't blame the gun until then... 3 likes
  -  calebfuller8 @lmattaway a good shooter doesn't need a sled. Personally I shoot way worse with a gun in a sled than just on a bipod.
  -  laruetactical @calebfuller8 ... Hmmm, I wondered about that 🧐 1 like
brock468 It's rare but I actually got a bad barrel on my 50a1 but thank god I was smart enough to try every aspect and even switch capable shooters before i sent it back for a new barrel lol 1 like
vince.salvatore1 I'm willing to bet that everyone who sends a gun back is running the cheapest crap they can find and wondering why it won't group. 1 like
salerno1263 Very Nice 👏👏👏👏
gusisarealboy Yeah what a piece of crap!! Send it to me!! I only see 2 holes! 😉 1 like
tylerkotulka Dayum!
curtis_carp 🤨🤨
realtalkliberty Send it to me. I'll help. 😆
walkercustoms1911 I'll take that problem
alpha_phil15 IDK, it's got a flyer 😂
tjmango I'll take it off his hands.
matty_duke Its the indian...not the arrow!🙃
csolstice032018 I'm take his off his hands.
d_g_eastman Haahaa!
gypsytacticalworks 🤦people will never out shoot the rifle,he probably wasn't holding his mouth right 🙄 🤷
journey_away Looks like you had a flyer there....
livelyac What ammo was its owner shooting? 🤔
kodiak_precision I'll take that grouping machine!
daverad08 Please send me a rifle with that problem.
flat_top_forge How much do you take for it? Lol
murphy45acp User error 100
roofkorean92 I hope mine has the same "problem"!
randalripley01 bUT muh gUn is broKe..
pen_sword_consult The barrel is clearly warped.... 🤔 Or maybe the former owner was.
tacticalslings Anytime you get into the "magic" 6.5's ammo is suspect because they tend to be loaded with some really slow powders that may work well in bolt guns but suck in gas guns. Then there is the guy who just thinks if he pays enough it should shoot well even if he can't shoot worth a poop I was recently teaching a class and a guy who claimed to@be the shooter of all time was bitching about his new rifle being a POP. I got tired of it got behind his rifle and put five into a single hole Looked at his and said it appeared to shoot ok for me 1 like
kyle.hendrickson12 Well they all didn't make it in the hole! 😂
1striker4life If he doesn't want it I'll take it
whatarewedo1ng It's the Indian not the bow
915ruz Lmao
blackjak71 "It's the Indian, not the arrow"
jamillerx How much does one of these fancy new uppers weigh in at?
zachary_stein So can someone get this upper then 😂?
fiesta346 Seems to work just fine I'll gladly take the "inaccurate " rifle from you 😂
recon1212 Maybe it wasn't a gun thing. Maybe it was a dumb optic thing and he didn't BZO his rifle correctly 🤔.
john_mai1 Wow.... people actually send their rifles back saying its not accurate???
magdumpmoravec I love how shooters always wanna blame the equipment, not themselves. Sometimes it is the equipment, sure, but more often than not it's a shooters shitty technique or lack of training or lack of understanding that leads to the problem
fxdbandchill Very rarely can someone outshoot their gun.
byrontabor I think this is why the Southern term.... BLESS HIS HEART was invented lol
him72984 I had the same problem when I zeroed mine at 100yds. My spotter told me I had two of 3 off the paper. Then we walked to the target and I have not messed with the zero again.
henry_bruns My bet is the owner is feeding it crappy chow. A bench gun capable of shooting bug holes can't do better than 2-3 MOA if fed crappy FMJ ammo.
czychris137 Shit I'll buy his gun from you 😍😍😍
billsnearly Must be a loose nut holding the trigger. 🤷
steve.cassell @laruetactical How often do you encounter this scenario? A customer claims accuracy issues and you demonstrate otherwise. Thanks in advance. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @steve.cassell ... Dunno, they come in, another fellow shoots 'em, I happened to blunder into this one when I wondered who was shooting and why. 1 like
adam_roell @pewpew859
  -  pewpew859 @adam_roell is it in stock!! I'll order now @laruetactical 1 like
edwin_echer @laruetactical - throw that crap in the dumpster!!!
When is garbage day? 1 like
tacconcan @laruetactical ML you need to add a SKU to your product line that is a "suggested" accompaniment when one buys a rifle - shooting lessons!
elviejoe @laruetactical That is my upper. Could not get it to group with 123gr Hornady Black ELDs. I'm not that terrible of a shot. Was doing under an MOA as expected with my LT .308 and Tranquilo. That 6.5 was doing 2-3" at 100 yds. Oh and my wife definitely knows about my LT addiction (posting from her IG account)!
  -  rplhvac @elviejoe you didn't try different ammo first?
  -  eadie.steve @elviejoe glad you posted! From my experience with multiple grendels, including LaRue's, is they don't always like the same rounds. If you can get it back and shoot those 120's you may be happy! It does help that Mark is a great shot. Good luck, I love the Grendel!