That's the number for total MBT triggers, all models combined, since launching January of 2015. It started off kinda slow, but thanks to all y'all, it's picking up some serious steam. I can only imagine how much BiGtriGGer's total trigger sales number is for the same period 💰 Meh, pretty sure it's a whole lot less than it would've been. 🎯us 💯🔥
1,595 likesm81.exe By far my favorite trigger
tn_patriot Buying another one!
jkedsnake Love the triggers Mark, all my gas rifles have them now.
charliesclones That's a lot of triggers 🤓
tony_rust_3445 I finally pulled the trigger and bought one.. LaRue is America.. us 👍👍..
k_s_thor That is what happens when you make an incredible trigger at a fair price 💪🏻💪🏻 keep up the good work guys! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
barronreed I'd love to pick up a single stage curved trigger if they came back in stock!
jxdelagarza 2S triggers backordered? Whats the eta on shipping?
  -  laruetactical @jxdelagarza... Not long, we're flirting with keeping up with current demand = 2 weeks. 3 likes
  -  jxdelagarza @laruetactical sounds great! Cant wait, Keep up the good work!
  -  brandondavison @laruetactical any eta on the single stage triggers?
sarcasmk1ng Whens the Flat Blade Single Stage coming back? Need one..or 4.
oregun I won one from you on the initial launch, it's numbered and in my PedatAR . Awesome trigger, purchased 3 more over the years. 👍
unclejimmyjames Ditched the RA cassette triggers in both my rifles for these 👍🔥
ethanlemley428 By far the best triggers out there
codyshaul I can only imagine what that number would be if everything you sold wasn't constantly back-ordered
scottyguns5437 @laruetactical how many us that??? 112,000 triggers sold?!? Awesome job I love your triggers!
georgepewsington what about the single stages? they ever coming back?
ryanpatrickmac I've got two of them. Put a JP reduced power hammer spring in one of them, LOVE IT.
macguyver651 8 digits and yall write on a paper plate smh
andy.d.johnston Sweet. Putting another one in a build this weekend!
crush_in I just got mine today I cant wait🔥🔥🔥🔥
aaron_quick85 Just ordered my first one today cuz I've heard so many good things!! Do they usually come in stock in waves? Seeing some comments of people asking when they usually ship. Thanks ML
jjdimatteo 🤩
bigaggiemike I am the proud owner of one of this MBT triggers. They are awesome! #laruetactical #mbttrigger #crispandcleanbreak #glass
jordanlinscheid I've contributed at least $800 towards that!
madunn83 I've run mil-spec triggers in the service and civilian life for years. I put Bill's g2s in my first built platform and love it. But... I'm planning a MBT for my next build. us
  -  charliesclones @madunn83 make it blind test. I cannot tell the difference. Like both.
If I were advising ML, I would say getting OEM contracts are critical.
Why are so many high quality rifles using the other guy's trigger and another and MBT. Save $5 on the packaging and sell to Noveske and SOLGW and LCRW. 1 like
  -  spartan7.62 @charliesclones exactly, it's so insanely close that I can hardly if at all tell the difference but my fuckin wallet sure can. 1 like
  -  charliesclones @spartan7.62 I agree with that. One firm finds good idea and brings it to market, and the other has a fantastic marketing engine and finds products to build and sell. You could not have two totally different go to market strategies, sales channel strategies, personalities, OEM channels, and be so similar in product line, vertical integration and quality.
But the price advantage is really limited to triggers. Why? What about optic mounts, barrels, rifles, rails?
Maybe because one company started as a trigger company and the other grew into that produce line?
I would also argue that LT has focused on one or two triggers and can get economies of scale and predictability of production. I cannot count has many variations G has if triggers. Some make sense for specific weapons. Others are just confusing.
I would also argue the LT needs to return to producing quality single stage trigger. Not sure what happened there. Was it just too far outside of production process efficiencies, or was their a quality problem? 1 like
  -  j_a_g_05 @madunn83 I've got 4 MBT-2S. Amazing triggers. Had a G2S before I even knew about the MBT and thought it was heavy. Ordered an SSA and SSA-E simply to compare to my first MBT. In my opinion MBT blew SSA out of the water (and G2S) SSA-E was closer...very close, but factor in price (even got the G's on a big sale) and it's a no-brainer. All my G's are gone and only MBT's for future builds. 🤙🏻 2 likes
mangumania Awesome to see American craftsmanship being bought (repeatedly!) and respected. I just bought my first AR kit and there was no question, it had to be LaRue. Can't wait to put it together and go show the West Texas hogs!
richman6972 That's bad ass. Definitely making the equipment pay for itself?! I am about to order one and the price is so nice i was wondering how y'all made money off it. I'm glad it's a source of profit. Keep it up!
  -  charliesclones @richman6972 he didn't say he made a profit. He said he made $10mm in sales. 🤓
stalwartdefense @laruetactical ML, that is awesome, brother! All of my builds and my customers builds get MBT triggers. Could not be more pleased with them.
nathingtwo I got to shoot 4 of mine this weekend! butter
cz75_p01 Got mine in 2017 and I love it. Well worth the wait
tonyjoepen Yeah but you can only make the best triggers once you start making bayonet mounts and not filling orders
juanshotjuankillusmc Outstanding!!! 🔥🔥🔥👍💯us
outdoor_dog Done my part, 4 an counting so far. A up coming build will most likely have another flat face MBT in it. 1 like
1986gn That reminds me. Have to order a couple more...
peterson985 Would you still honor a validated MBT trigger coupon from Shot Show 2019? 😁 Just found it again. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @peterson985 ... Sure 5 likes
dropoutgts 💪💪💪 Bought 3 from you guys. Looking for a 4th soon 👀 1 like
drcjortho I knew something was financing my steak rub, declaration of independence, and bottle openers! Love you guys!
north_2_wy I've got 4 of them now, great trigger
tulamin @ckazakos
snafu573 That's a lot of triggers!
tspain57 They are amazing!
belkins03 Big Flex 💪 1 like
allopez84 Single stage triggers coming back anytime soon ? 😁
el_jaime70 I've bought 3 this year alone 1 like
ak_matic @laruetactical I can't imaGine the profit marGin of the other Guys! Hahahaha 2 likes
jerome_sightler I run these in all my new builds, best trigger I have tried yet. 1 like
chingkou87 MBT-2S for the win!
bjboh1 Hands down the best upgrade I have made to my AR's dollar for dollar there is no better trigger for the money thank you @laruetactical !
bobjohns44_ Good for you. As a manufacturer myself. I don't have any of my own products in the market. I've always built someone else's dreams. I commend you on this great achievement. I only can dream of my own great development to some day make me rich. Well I guess I am in my own right. Congratulations sir.
pslatr @laruetactical I'm proud to say I have 13, and sold just about every one I know on them. I like them better than the CMC's
donbsd Is that why mine is back-ordered?
johnathanfugita The price is right and i like it better than my other triGGers
regolith247 I need to just order mine already! Or two, actually!
the_shooting_pony Awesome triggers!
michaelsmith9405 @laruetactical I still have around 5 not installed. Great triggers, all iterations! Is that the number of triggers sold or the dollars in triggers? Either way, impressive. My first one was used to swap out a G trigger on my OBR when you launched the MBT originally.
al_paint Just placed an order for my first👍
mesooohoppy Now please make single stages! @laruetactical 2 likes
  -  titan_rook @mesooohoppy Umm, they do, for quite some time now. I have one. Unless, you're commenting on stock/availability.
  -  mesooohoppy @titan_rook they are not currently making them and they are out of stock with no plans to start making them again.
  -  titan_rook @mesooohoppy Ah! Your original post didn't read "again". Just looked at Larue's site and, while it shows sold out, did Mark post he's no longer making them? A lot of customers seemed to like 'em so I can't imagine it's a lack of demand.
battlebear.mk18 Any idea on when the MBT-1S will be available?
7.62sam Fixing to be $ 87.00 more....
sir_wyatt_of_carlsbad I just looked it up and I bought my first MBT in February 2015 when they were $250. Then bought several more over the years. A couple years ago I got a random LaRue package in the mail and it was a free MBT trigger with a note thanking the early buyers 👍 6 likes
  -  icecoldmn @sir_wyatt_of_carlsbad I was in the same boat,that is what I call dam fine customer service,🙌 3 likes
redoak.sooner Rock on! 😎
lee_bargeron @laruetactical That's not a surprise. They're just as smooth, solid, and reliable as triggers twice as expensive as they are. I will ONLY run a MBT!!
mskategordon Now that's something worth celebrating! 😎🙌 1 like
myz061080 Wow! I can honestly say that I contributed a few to that number !
scardenas132 What's that like 125kish triggers sold?
disappointeddan Eyyyyyyy I contributed to that.
akoperatorsunionlocal4774 Best trigger for the money paid 20 likes
satandidit I recommend these to all my gun toting, American loving friends. So happy having one on my 6.8 spc..
rogersgunworks4 And please keep em coming!!! They're incredibly awesome
reallyrhyno I have one of those!!
oathkeepercoffee Time to upgrade to a king air.... lol 😂 1 like
darthbacon101 love the one I have
tchess450 Seems like just yesterday I bought my first one. I lost count of how many I have and Apparently Lost the ability to keep track of time also.
martyinco Thank @boots_on_the_floor for making me a new customer 👍
hawgbountyexterminators There awesome I'm about to make a order of 6 more this week if I'm stock
motorcitymunitions I've sold a handful to customers and have them on all my builds. Best trigger and best bang for the buck out there.
calgunandprep U can add another $80 to that total as of an hour ago us
old_man_strong Bought one early for $199, thought it was a great trigger for the money. Then you dropped them $99 and I though dang! You're fool not buy one. Then the last 3 I bought were $87!?!? Thanks for passing along a great trigger at a great price! I don't know another maker that would do that!
mal1nis It'll be a bit higher if you start selling single stage triggers again. Even a short production run so I can order mine would be great.
va_berry84 I've got one still in the box, from way back when!!
harleydadv Love everything Larue but sure would love to see the Siete available
jay3076 A few cocktails the other night convinced me I needed two more MBTs 1 like
eatfishhunt It's a quality trigger at half the price. I've moved all my triggers to the mbt.
eatfishhunt Now do the same for rem 700
tysonedds8020 I can account for 10 of them. 😂
amylynnwv I have an MBT sittin' pretty, on my grail gun 😎 #AlwaysLarue
capablegentleman THE BEST TRIGGERS 🙌💯us us us 1 like
jth_ar15 @myfarmlife812 yeah giessele suck 1 like
scottie_rock I support this message!!
hey_phuk_you I need 2 more at this time.
christiangrest Best triggers out there! I have a bunch of them and recommend them every time someone is looking for a top quality trigger 💪 3 likes
kevinmichael_67 I may be responsible for the $767.
n.toungate @laruetactical are yall planning to make anything for a PCC?
lukesterling.wav I'll be getting mine tomorrow. Can't wait!
davisjackson__ When are we gona be able to get the single stage MBTs? 2 likes
anthonys1320 Are they in stock?
sir_whee How much of the sales are since you lowered the price to the $80ish? Best move yall have ever made if you ask me. @laruetactical 2 likes
merpaholic I mean, I use it in my target rifle. By far the best trigger for the money. I sold my geissele after handling the MBT. 1 like
bradleyaten 🤛us us 💪💪. Guess I should order another one
sp.arks991 I have 8 haha... they are quite amazing 🦅us
topshotdustin Verified Wow!!! I sent several buyers your way this weekend too after they tried mine at @marksmanshipcamp 16 likes
j_a_g_05 126,000 or so triggers.? Love all mine!
mr_recce Imagine how much more it would've been if you charged what they're worth! Awesome triggers at a killer price 👍👍 10 likes
amylynnwv Haaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha 😂🙈
fireman4180 Its great to see good people doing well, ya'll make great gear!
omaruiw Very good trigger at a very very good price. When you make a quality product at a fair price; the people will let their 🤑 do the talking. God Bless Texas! 1 like
gingergunz Imagine how much you could make if they were as good as Geissele 😂 4 likes
  -  shitcreekinternational @gingergunz lol...riiiiight 3 likes
  -  markythemark @gingergunz does Geissele actually make triggers? Thought they had all their tooling setup for busted rifled and bayonet lugs 5 likes
  -  rdam_defense_ross @gingergunz if only paying double for a two stage was cool 🤣🤣🤣 4 likes
  -  starcityshooter @prodrin or hey, you can get Black Friday deals at another places, get charged and wait 6 months. LT doesn't charge till they ship, so good in my end. 2 likes
  -  tehlonz @starcityshooter zaktly
  -  charliesclones @bgoutjp if you can hit a target at 800 yards with a BCM barrel and M855 ball, it must be the trigger. 😳 Then again, you did not say how big the steel was. 2 likes
  -  charliesclones @bgoutjp pretty impressive. Not a normal outcome for that barrel and ammo. Must be the trigger and the operator 🤓