... For those of you that haven't read Ayn Rand's 1957 book "Atlas Shrugged", it's a good read and here's a paragraph. IIRC, Ayn Rand survived the Bolshevik Revolution and ended up in America, then wrote "Atlas Shrugged", her prediction for America's future. As you can see, she has a bit of Nostradamus in her. They wake up late, eager to watch the rich "pay their fair share" ... ML
488 likesthatthinbluelinetho Read it as part of my high school curriculum! Amazing read. Fountainhead, Anthem and We the Living are staples and should be in everyone's library 4 likes
austex19 Democrat / Liberal handbook or Atlas Shrugged!?!
waltersobchakcw Her ideology led to this. When you say "no regulation on business" and "maximal freedom is the goal", then you get an oligarchy that bails out terrorists and supports racists because it aligns with their corporate goals. 2 likes
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 elaborate
  -  sumziandi @stopsimping92 you're saying her ideology has been so closely followed by our leaders that "it" has been the reason/enabler of our systematic failure? That's rich! 😂
  -  waltersobchakcw @sumziandi When you don't put any limitations on the "freedoms" of the corporations, they get to sell out the country and buy the politicians to take our rights.
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d ^
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 i don't think her ideology has been lived out in this country by any stretch of the imagination. I think it would be closer to her dream if corporations were left to grow as large as they wanted and government was so small the corporations would have no interest in lobbying them to create laws that help them. The market would be free to let consumers decide what practices should be rewarded. The fact that the government can be bought and sold by corporations because it is large enough to effect changes and pick winners and losers is the problem IMO. 1 like
  -  sumziandi @stopsimping92 that may be but..."limitless" has never been. Nor have Ayn's ideas been modeled. So why are you blaming her for your clear disdain for corporations and their politicians. Did you read the book?
  -  waltersobchakcw @sumziandi I've heard enough from her acolytes. And if limitless hasn't been, I can't even imagine what it would look like if things are this bad.
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d The government is our protector against the predations of the rich, not their administrative state. The issue is the corporations bought the politicians to make their administrative state. The fact is no corporations can thrive outside of the legal bounds of a government.
  -  sumziandi @stopsimping92 "Any alleged right of one man, which necessitates the violation of the rights of another isn't and can't be a right." - Ayn Rand. Clearly an enemy of the people 👍 1 like
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 i guess it's a difference in opinion that you and i have. I don't want to depend on anyone, government or otherwise to be my protector. If i don't like a corporation i don't purchase their wares. How do corporations amass wealth to begin with if they are so evil? Could it be that people and politicians value "stuff" over taking a stand for what is right or what they believe in?
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d Yes they do, that's why you need laws criminalizing it. You can't live in a state of nature like you're proposing. It doesn't work. As soon as 3 or more people come along and decide to take what you have, there's nothing to stop them, other than you, and you better be able to take 3 or more people at a time (which is doubtful for any man). Better to have the laws to back you than nothing to protect you from the will of the powerful.
  -  waltersobchakcw @sumziandi But here we are with the corporations limiting speech through a monopoly. It sounds "nice" in theory, but libertarianism has failed, completely to do what it's advocates say it does, and has succeeded beyond measure for those who pay for its upkeep.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 people willing to take what you have by force are very likely to follow laws i see your point. 1 like
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d Imagine if there were no laws to punish those actions and those people got to make laws of their own will. You'll see a grave or your enslavement to their will.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 you literally just described the government..
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d The government is governed by laws that are made by their representatives. You're describing a world where warlords - like the CHAZ/CHOP - get to make the rules in their favor. Yours is inherently unjust, mine has possibility of injustice that can be remedied.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 and the benevolent government never breaks its own laws does it?
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d It can remedied. It has laws by which to do so. The CHAZ approach cannot. It must be destroyed and brought to order by force.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 so stellar wind has been remedied?
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d "stellar wind"? Is that some libertarian term?
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 no that's a domestic spying program enacted by the government that you say can be remedied. The same government that forced cell service providers to allow it to dragnet your cell data and release the companies from liability after this conscription.
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d It could be remedied if the corporations didn't profit from it as well. Do you think the corporations have no use for your data? Are you unaware that they sell it? Nothing happens in the government that doesn't help the corporations in some way. Your ideology made that happen. Blame yourselves for that, and all of the other things that you dislike in the government. The side whose rallying cry is "leave me alone" is often the one responsible for its own demise.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 the corporations asked for my consent to sell my data, or it is at least required for using their service. I wasn't asked by the government if they could.
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d Oh, so you read all of That stupidity they Write and consent to it? "At least it's not the government" is the answer even though they pay the government to do it? Guess what: you don't really consent, and they know it, but they're able to pull that crap on you because they pay the government to write contract law in their favor. Blame yourself and please don't try "well at least it's not the government" with me again.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 i can shut off my phone and decide i don't want the service any more. I can't cancel my service with the government.
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d You can cancel service. You can leave. Now apply your principles and leave. No one will stop you. But we can stop the corporations from monopolizing the lines of communication.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 that's an idiotic response, you could leave too and go to a place where the corporations are not in bed as well. my dad can beat up your dad. What the shit is that?
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d Where would that be? And no, you said you can't unsubscribe from government, and you can. You want the no government, I want the government to restrain the corporations, as is their duty. It's not the same. Feel free to leave, or continue to argue your point in good faith.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 i don't want you to leave, you just told me to, so i just thought we were doing that. I don't want no government. I want restrained government.
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d Well your version of restrained leads us to where we are now. It's a non-starter.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 i don't understand how you can think that. The government shouldn't be allowed to be in bed with corporations, on that we agree. I just don't see how you think the current government is restrained. They have spent north of 5T dollars this year alone.
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d If you gave the corporations no rules, why do you think they wouldn't buy out the government and make it an administrative state for themselves?
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 essentially that has already happened with the laws we have in place. Rich people and elite politicians are above the law already. No need to add an overbearing government to the populace.
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d The rich paid for those laws and would prop up whoever to get what they want. Your solution isn't a solution.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 I'm not sure I've pushed a solution, but more government (the problem) isn't the solution.
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d It apparently is if the corporations are the problem.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 corporations will just buy them too.
  -  waltersobchakcw @derekcarter3d What's the guard against it? Positive law of a government strong enough to hold them accountable.
  -  derekcarter3d @stopsimping92 i mean corruption is already against the law. I just don't know the answer.
kevinmichael_67 Great book. 2 likes
jkirky24 I did the audio version of this about a month ago 60 hours. Great book to listen to while working alone. 1 like
traveler889 Holy socks...
630juniper Thank you sir!
edgehoard This is the best book ever. Should be part of the summer reading list for every school 2 likes
h94673644 #any Randall #georgeorwell1984 were scary accurate still voting #trump2020
whitefang721 Not at all interested in lolbertarianism Mark but I love your guns. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @erratik_eagle ... LOLbertarianism ? My deceased father-in-law had a saying - "After you've paid enough taxes that were taken from you to give to those that refuse to chop wood for the fire ... you'll vote Republican" 17 likes
  -  parabellumgenetics_ @laruetactical facts ! 1 like
  -  bigbrassenergy @laruetactical 100% 1 like
  -  waltersobchakcw @laruetactical It has less to do with voting Republican, and more to do with the fact that you're supporting ideology that lets the corporations pay the Left to take more of your money. You're paying for your own demise by voting for letting the politicians get paid by the corporations so the latter can do whatever they want to us.
  -  whitefang721 @laruetactical Republicans are raping us just the same as Democrats are. They're just doing it in a different way.
talon10000 Unfortunately it was prophetic of the times we live in today! VOTE REPUBLICAN!! 4 likes
socratic_methodman @laruetactical when I put together an Ultimate Upper a couple years back and noticed "Rearden Steel" stamped on the barrel, I knew I made a good choice. 1 like
cowboy_cowzer WOW!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
jasonk7474 Read it about once every couple years..... If you disappear I'm going to come looking.... 3 likes
johnnymoto Way ahead of her time. 2 likes
jesse_cobia Best book ever #atlasshrugged 3 likes