My home phonetography studio ;-) What about this ... we pin and weld a SURG brake on this 10"'and BAM !! It's a rifle :-) Oh, and you can guess what's about 13" long and being cut in a Haas ... ML
621 likeskernsy71 🔥👍
starcityshooter Depends...what caliber? 🤔
  -  laruetactical @starcityshooter ... Caliber hardly matters to a heart shot. ML 6 likes
  -  starcityshooter @laruetactical Mark, Mark, Mark...the only organ I'm worried about is my ears 😂 3 likes
mini_big_one @laruetactical impressive.. Your posts are so awesome the machinist community should show up here more than the shooters. What do you have like 60 spindles in your shop 5 likes
  -  meatsweatsmike @mini_big_one I kind of feel like if he had that many spindles/machines he wouldn't be as involved as he is
  -  mini_big_one @meatsweatsmike check out the pictures of the shop on the larue website. There are a lot of machines in a line. The spaceship looking haas 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mini_big_one ... I'm a bit rusty, but I'll take a stab at it from my kitchen island - ...... T1 M6; G43 H1 D1 S7500; G90 G00 Z0.1; G01 Z0 F20.0; M97 P1 L7; etc. ML 4 likes
  -  mj.jarrett22 @laruetactical nothing better than looping programs after feeding to z0. Im guessing t1 is a 1/2" 3flute 1loc endmill or a 1/4 ball nosed endmill. Gotta love g-code!🍻
  -  mattkhall @laruetactical M03 or M04? Lol.
topshotdustin Verified Yeah buddy!!! 1 like
toolndie7 🤫 1 like
novostagram What's she chambered in? Grendel? Would be a sick subsonic platform for a .338 federal 😈
esqphoto Nice tomatoes too! 1 like
jikjik1775 Dang that's clever I'm totally telling my wife we need new counters and backsplash lighting For...for food stuff. 2 likes
whatarewedo1ng That's a new brake
  -  redoak.sooner @_cars_be_broke_ nah, just not timed properly yet.
  -  whatarewedo1ng @redoak.sooner wrong. Original TranQuilo mount/break has 2 horizontal ports on the end. This one only has 1
  -  redoak.sooner @_cars_be_broke_ good catch!
  -  laruetactical @_cars_be_broke_ ... That's the MRGG brake. It lost a slot in order to help meet the weight req't. ML 2 likes
mark_133_navy Not following a SBR on a bolt gun? Just because..........- A 28 in Krieger would bump it a notch.....
bake250r Beautiful bolt gun. The bowl looks like Villeroy and Boch.
castro_316 When will these be out for order?
william.brown.182 Still planning on some love for us southpaws?
mckeonekert Cool props but rifle is way cool
mckeonekert What are you planning for scope mount?